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A MAN RUNNING THROUGH THE MALL WITH ONLY A LEAF COVERING HIS PRIVATES, yelling that the end of the world is upon us-
A woman alone in a dark purple basement listening to the sounds of a broken air conditioner hum and twang like the banjo strings playing in her pee brain-
A racecar driver driving 300 mph in a closed track past midnight is about to blow a tire-
A deep fry fish cook working hard on the line starts to think there is something living in the wheat cereal in a cupboard he never opens anymore.
A man with a scruffy face and cut off jeans with a protruding whiskey gut puts his slippers on for a stroll into a bank with a high powered semi-automatic rifle and grenades strapped and duct taped all over his hairy body.
A young girl with toes made out of carrots and fingers made of acorns is trying to tie her shoes while her octopus tongue laps up lemon frowns from hidden ocean words
A backwoods trailer trash uncle of sam hinges together cakes along a long line of meat hooks that connect to an assembly line of blind ghosts-
A cult of sex-obsessed cripples is holding a sensual circle of class times somewhere in a smelly hot room of quivering slobbering grease balled scar touches and perverts-
A little girl stares up at the sun, screaming, spitting, cursing, singing, frolicking about like a marshmallow brain circuit missing in the wind sounds of a silent storm echoing over the snow filled Yosemite mountains-
A bunch of naked gorillas are running around breaking and ripping branches down in forests a zillion miles away, while squawking pelicans fly down with fangs made of sharp metals and try to eat the gorillas half toaded horse looking mutant monkeeed babies-
A kid washing dishes in a park that doesn't exist starts ripping off his apron and telling the leaves that he finally quits-
A burnt out old lady with a big fat gut lays around drinking her life away, making 20 dollars an hour with her phone sex fake voice, as she chain smokes cheap cigarettes and listens to Barry Manilow records backwards at full speed-
A stoned weirdo nerdy computer hacker who never leaves his house except for more pot suddenly cracks into the governments data systems and makes 9/11 look like a picnic in the park, as he types coded messages like an Israeli half breed Palestinian with a machine gun mind, planes go down, data systems go berserk, people go insane, people only understand comforts that don't matter, wall street blows up, the dow index drops to 333 zillion below a trillion-
A 19-year-old kid has his first day at junior college, he has been up all night on acid with a strange friend who thinks he can turn into a bat if he stares at himself in the mirror long enough, the acid is still working, as they drive to his first class, it's a business class, turns out the teacher is the one kid's neighbor, the bat kid, and everyone has to go around the room and introduce themselves, both acid heads want to leave, they think every one knows, and from the looks on the other students' and teachers' faces, they probably do- step 2- never take acid again-
A robot made of un human fur- who just lost her only pet is out getting loaded with kangaroos, they are sitting around like lobotomy stoned rejects, playing silly games with invisible cards, and never a conclusion, with iq's straight out of jerry springer show guests' mouths, she is wearing nothing but skin made of bologna and chicken turds for earrings on top of phony smiles-
A boy with 14 eyeballs and only one arm is playing with fire inside a factory made of secret weapons, he has a wick, a bottle, a little pocket book of the world in his back pockets that are made of slipped down strips of brown spaghetti from pasta plowed shacks on freeways gone, he blows himself up-sauce covers the walls like schizophrenic paint murmurs in hearts made of silly putty-
A man decides to astral project himself into another world for his entire 8 hour shift at work, when he snaps out of it, he finds he has gone back into time, and is standing on a street corner, the year is 1923, he is naked, holding a loaf of bread and not knowing his own name, a dog comes running up to him with a face that is half human, and says to him, "need a ride?" the man closes his eyes, but can't wake up-
A man looks outside his high rise city window, as the sun of a chilly Chicago day enters his almost perfect expensive deluxe pad, he jogs his mind through nights he doesn't remember, trying to clean something off that wasn't even dirty to begin with, a small speckle on the outer wall that no one else noticed, he calls in to work, pulls out all sorts of cleaning agents, and scrubs the small speckle that isn't there-into the wee hours of the night with his knuckles making blood seem like ants underneath his 100 floor high rise-, all staring up at him-seem like military plotting government rodents from mars- trying to get up his elevator, the man stops cleaning, falls nakedly perplexed to his now bleached out wooden floor- he knows that money is nothing now, he knows he worked for nothing- his shaking arm reaches for the fallen sponge, he begins to wipe the blood up, he begins to dry his exploding skin, with an echo of a doorbell, a tear drop gone, a song through the clouds-