Unlikely Stories Presents

TOM BRADLEY is not afraid of the Empire

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Tom Bradley, after the Orange Sunshine days

"Touch not my Christs."
--Psalms civ. 15
"And for ther is so gret dyversite
In Englyssh and yn wrytyng of oure tonge,
So prey I God that noon myswryte the,
Ne the mysmetre for defaute of tonge.
And red wherso thow be, or elles songe,
That thow be understonde, God I beseche--
But yet to purpos of my rathere speche..."
--Chaucer, Troylus and Criseyde

The author of six successful novels, Tom Bradley specializes in unpredictable tales that are both tragic and comical. Respecting no taboos, he mercilessly lampoons religions from Mormonism to Shintoism, and both American and Eastern social structures. Moreover, he highlights the darker side of filial relationships, offering frightening reminders of what they can become. Although he lives in Japan, his latest novel mocks the penis of the Japanese Emporer.

Tom says: "Various of my novels have been nominated for The Editor's Book Award and The New York University Bobst Prize, and one was a finalist in The AWP Award Series in the Novel. My short stories have been nominated for Pushcart Prizes. One or two were translated into Japanese, or so I've been told.

"My essays appear in Salon.com, Exquisite Corpse and milk Magazine.

"I am a bleeding victim/hero in the never-ending war to make the world safe for Freedom of the Press. My battles have lately been fought in the Pacific Theater, against the mean Shinto fascist pricks. My courageous actions have been featured in Arts and Letters Daily, and are psychoanalyzed in the legendary Exquisite Corpse, where I am diagnosed as suffering from an 'unwholesome Christ complex and a desire for public self-annihilation.'

"I bless you and keep you. I make my face to shine upon you, and give you respite. Amen."

Tom's books are displayed at the Unlikely Stories bookstore. You can also check them out at his web site at http://www.literati.net/Bradley, or write to him at tomnpeg@interlink.or.jp.

Tom's works here at Unlikely Stories are:

July 1999 - July 2000:
The Epoxy-Resin Mao (a RealAudio file)
Tough Audience
The Opiates of the Mass

The Epoxy-Resin Mao is a streaming audio file, created for use with the RealAudio player from Real Networks. To listen to this file, you must have RealAudio installed on your computer. There is a free version of RealAudio availible.