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Untitled is a stupid name for a poem

evil is a catch phrase
that pimps death
on a trigger finger.
blood incinerates lies
while justifying the click click click
of a 57 magnum
that later cools off in a refrigerator.
the burden of truth
a fine placed upon me.
this chest is heavy
with a heave ho.
red red red
leather on an
animal conscious 
I don’t give a fuck.
It’s there and it exists.
And only in the way in which
it is not there.
a matter of becoming 
oblivious to
spider leg fingers
pink lips puckered.
needing to be asleep 
in a coffin.
blood is
Our catastrophic cinderella 
with a broken heel.
an object of my bottle of pills
that is the size of a fist
and i know how to use it. 

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