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White Boys Are BeautifulTo Shane Allison's previous piece     To Part IITo Part II

Drive in the night, after The Pretender
to Hungry Howie's & home again.
Finger deep in hot wings, chomp on celery
sticks dipped in blue cheese salad dressing
& wonder where you are.
Who's in your life during Saturday Night Live?
Are you asleep in your bed?
Visions of strawberry Chap Stick
dance in your head.
Think about you
as poems run out of me like 
something I shouldn't have eaten.
I watch you walk past
Thagard Health Center,
past the pool to your purple car in 
the parking lot of your fraternity house
where you’re buried 
alive in some girl's panties,
Treating her breasts like pillows. 
I want to be your one nightstand, 
the fattest notch on your bedpost,
all the girls you write poems about

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