Criminal Negligence, or, Treasonable Profits
by Sub-commandante X
It’s about oil, stupid. True, Afghanistan doesn’t have oil, but it does have pipeline access to warm water ports, which is just as valuable.
And, it’s not that alternatives don’t exist. They really do. Take Iceland for example. Iceland runs its entire energy system on the hydrogen, and not the carbon atom, with assists from wind, geothermal, tidal, and solar energy sources.
Alternatives do exist, as in energy, and just like in war. But, when you’re the son of a Texas oilman who was CIA director, and a former president, I guess you might feel you can do anything – by yourself.
Like scrapping the ABM and Kyoto treaties, unilaterally, while relentlessly pushing for “Star Wars”.
Did I mention the repeal of the Bill of Rights? Or, military tribunals? Or, Attorney General John Asscraft? Surely, you must see their agenda by now:
“Damn, this used to be a good country.” - From an old ‘B’ movie. (That line was more memorable than the than the rest of the movie)
Remember how in high school they would tell us that democracy was just an experiment? Well, it’s sad but true, all experiments don’t succeed.
“Evil doers?” Who’s calling who what? You’re free to be a slave. Ain’t it great to be free? What’s to complain? You can be replaced, y’know, so don’t make waves.
Through the blood, smoke, and mirrors you still wanna know what’s going on? Don’t ask. When you’re on the receiving end of imperialism’s last line dance, believe it or not, you’ve got it pretty good.
Just how vain and superficial can you go? Capitalism will allow you to become all that you should never be. ‘Til you can’t see straight, and like John Lennon said:
“Doped on religion, sex, and TV
And you think you’re so classless and free,
But you're still fucking peasants, as far as I can see.”
The World Socialist website reports in “U.S. massacre of Taliban POW’s: The stench of death and more media lies,” that the prison ‘riot’ was instigated by CIA operatives who shot and killed at least 5 unarmed prisoners.
One CIA agent was killed amid much fanfare and mythmaking. Where did the weapons come from? The uprising occurred in response to 250 prisoners being bound hand and foot (prior to execution?).
Defense Secretary Donald Rump, publicly opposed any deal that would have allowed safe passage of foreign Taliban troops to Pakistan, in return for their surrender.
The US preference was clear. The foreign Taliban were expendable. This is war. If you don’t like it, don’t support it.
“To Resist is to be Victorious”
Consider the group, “Vietnam Veterans Against the War Anti- Imperialist". You don’t have to be a Vietnam vet, or have any military association at all. Just the desire to see an end to the automatic, predetermined, violent response.
And we know, going in, that violence is not the answer. So, why do we do it? Are you afraid of the answer? Maybe you should be.
Flash: The Taliban has put a $50,000 bounty on the head of western journalists. Wonder if that applies to Japanese and African reporters, too? And, how about gonzo journalists?
“…Freedom just around the corner from you,
But with truth so far off,
What good would it do?”
- B. Dylan
Don’t need no conspiracy theories, or convoluted far fling fantasies, what’s going down right now under your nose is strange enough.
But they never tell you anything REAL on the evening news. You gotta dig and get your hands dirty. We’re counting on you.
Where was the Air Force? Why was there no air cover for Washington D.C.? The fucking Pentagon was hit here! Somebody asleep at the wheel? Or could it be something much, much worse? Follow the money, like they say.
What ex-American Airlines executive and recent CIA director made $2.5 million predicting that American Airlines stock would fall just prior to 9-11?
Hint: he goes by the name “Buzzy”.
Remember Paul Revere (and Tom Paine). Somebody has to draw attention, sound the alarm, and bang the drum, slowly.
Don’t let yourself be distracted,
“…’Cause something’s happening here
And what it is ain’t exactly clear”
- Buffalo Springfield
But, it smells all the way up to the balcony seats.
Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not? Write him at