Sound the Alarm, or, In Bed with White-Collar Crime
by Sub-commandante X
When friends get divorced, you’ve gotta decide who you’re gonna stay tight with. It can’t be both. It’s not your fight, but you’re in the middle of it, just by being there.
“Everything passes and everything changes, just do what you think you should do,” like they say. Some decisions are easier than others, and some just evolve naturally.
“Forty days and forty nights,
Since my baby broke my heart.
She can make a poor man rich,
Or, break his heart
I don’t know which”
Muddy Waters
‘Forty Days’
The homeless Sub-Rosa (she says she lives in cyberpace) can dish it out, but she just can’t take it. When I emailed the ‘No harassment, No terrorism’ communiqué, I acknowledged that our roles had dramatically reversed. Now, it was she sending the porno emails.
I’d learned how to delete ‘cookies’ long ago, so I know I haven’t been bugging her of late. But, still she violates my tranquility. Maybe she’s just being nasty, or ‘getting even’, or whatever…
OK, very funny, but cut it out now, or I’ll call the cybercops.
In a recent Nation article, Nicholas Johnson, former FCC Commissioner (1966-73), now teaches at the University of Iowa Law School, tells us:
“The only Americans with meaningful First Amendment Rights are those who own the media.”
How to draw attention to an issue as important as the loss of our Freedom of Information, without being alarmist, is not easy. So, I won’t even try.
The Fucking Constitution is Burning! Sound the Alarm!!
The imposter, unelected Prez ‘Dubya’, is ‘Mr. White Collar Crime’ hisself. The Enron collapse is just another example of how he’s “growing in his job.”
But, that job, apparently, is to steal from the U.S. Treasury for the benefit of his corporate buddies.
Pretzel, my ass. The bruises and scrapes on his face look to any street fighting man, like he was in a fight. Who punched out the drunken ‘Dubya’ during a football game?
Inquiring minds wanna know. And, I just wanna shake his hand. Could it have been Kennyboy? Or, Osama himself? One can only hope.
“They that can give up essential liberty for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
--Ben Franklin, 1759
John Walker Lindh, AKA Abdul Hamid (his Taliban nom de guerre) for all we know his only offense was to defend another government from an overthrow by his own government.
Yeah, it’s a strange case for sure, but treason it ain’t, hardly. Let alone, the fact that the bombing went ahead without any basis in American law.
And, some international legal experts consider the bombing of Afghanistan, itself, an act of terrorism. Who’s calling the kettle black? Even in an illegal war, it’s the victor who writes the history.
But based on uncovered information, there’s more to forget than to forgive in the Walker case.
John Phillip Walker Lindh, his chosen Islamic name Suleyman al-Faris, was interrogated by two CIA operatives. In a bad cop, bad cop parody, Johnny (Mike) Spann (First U.S. casualty of the non-war), and operative “Dave’ prodded such innocent interrogation inquiries as,
“Do you want to die?” and,
“We could just leave you here.”
Walker did not respond. This exchange was caught on CNN videotape.
Americans just love a good war. They’ve declared war on every thing from poverty, drugs, and terrorism, to child abuse and homelessness. The American solution, declare war on it and forget about it.
Why be limited to nation states, organizations, and individuals? Be creative. Why not branch out to inanimate objects like ‘terrorism?’ Terrorism is not a person, place, or thing. It’s a tactic, which we employ ourselves, to full advantage.
If you’re in your teens, and learn that your father is leaving your mother for another man, you, too, might seriously consider an alternative lifestyle. Fundamentalist Islam just may have fit the bill for 20 year old John Walker.
But, you can’t have an “eternal” war without an endless supply of enemies. Well, invading and bombing Afghanistan certainly guarantees that an endless supply of enemies will be there for long, long, into the bloody future. Operation Eternal Bullshit.
Now, it begins to make sense. The user-friendly government of the Capitalist system is in the business of insuring corporate profit sharing for the wealthiest of the elite. (What’s changed?)
The government gives out corporate welfare in return for campaign contributions. What a deal, what a scam. Only the wealthiest need apply. The Bill of Rights be damned.
The federal prosecutor alleges that, “Walker waived the right to counsel when he talked to the FBI.” Excuse me, how else are you supposed to communicate with the FBI? Telepathically? Smoke signals?
What the Attorney General, John Asscraft, is telling us,
“Piss off, peons.
We dun gotta show you no fucking rights.
You never had ‘em anyway.”
Is this why John Walker Lindh is coming on like a hero?
Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not? Write him at