Unacceptable, or, Naked Global Village
by Sub-commandante X
Her name, she told me, was 'Sunshine Summers'. She gave me a funny look when I answered her question,
"I write a journal of erotica," I said with a crooked smile, (and a straight face).
I know maybe, I shouldn't lead with that in a social setting. But, that is what I do. I gave her some communiqués. She noted that my phone # was on it.
Well, yes, she's young, about college age. If she reads the installments I gave her, OK. If she has a reaction, I'd like to hear it. But, I'm not trying to offend, or to pick anybody up.
I just call it 'erotica'. It's kinda a joke. (I'll do anything to be popular.) My name, address, and phone number are on there for copyright purposes.
I'm not into 'corrupting the youth' anymore. Even though, it is in the highest tradition of western culture. I really wouldn't know where to start. But still, I look out for hemlock, and keep my back to the wall, just in case.
Do you know what your kids are downloading at this moment? Or, the next? Does that really make you nervous? Why? What world do you live in? We're settling, now, into the naked global village on the www.
What's to hide from the kids? Yeah, well, that could be your problem. You might wanna look into that.
Like Jakob's dad asks,
"Who are you, that I should have to lie?"
Dolphins are mammals, just like us. They live in groups. They play & communicate all day long. They don't seem to need an economic system. Why do we presume to be the superior species, because we do?
Filing the yearly IRS forms just don't feel like the enlightened, noble, highly evolved act, it's made out to be. Y'know?
Maybe that's why the young Rabbi kicked the moneylenders out of temple, so many years ago? I wonder. (I also wonder who wrote "The Book of Love?") But, some questions, I guess, don't have answers.
Material things have a value, & that's relatively constant. People, however, are not exactly open books. No, they're more like dynamos in flux, actually.
Recently, Sub-commandante X has moved out of state. He's no longer in the state of change. His zip code, these days, is in the state of denial (&, yes, that is a river in Egypt). He's moving up. No, nothing's wrong.
I have a friend who's a proud Mom. Her oldest is graduating. From a halfway house. She appreciates achievement, especially in her children. Apparently, she hasn't seen too much of that, though. 'Cause she's down to celebrating the fact that they're 1) still alive & 2) they're not in jail (yet).
I congratulate her. I know the feeling.
Shirley is an older friend, who I've known for years. Recently, to my surprise, she told me she's a published writer! She's had two articles printed! She got $40 a piece. A professional writer!!
"My god, can I touch you?" I asked.
"I just wanna see how it feels to be a writer."
I was serious. (P.S. It feels pretty good.)
I called Jackie (the ex-) on her birthday. The metaphysical hostess is doing well, in her work, & in her church. She's on the board of directors for a metaphysical church in Alabama, now. She's surrounded by grandkids, & she's happy right where she is.
I think that's fantastic. How blessed to be exactly where you want to be. I can't decide if my place is in any one place. I bounce from San Francisco, to a Caribbean island, to Hawaii for a home base. Still looking. But, I know it'll never be in Alabama.
Nicole, my surrogate granddaughter, got on the line. She's seven now. I told her I miss her. I miss her very much. The little one said, "I love you", very quickly, as she handed the phone back to her grandma.
Y'know, I really don't have a reason to be in "the heart of Dixie", but if I'm ever passing through....
Funny ain't it, how a lot of things are 'unacceptable', but if you get to live with 'em, you see, they're really not so bad. Well, be that as it may, I just don't know about me, and the deep American south.
See, I can't say 'y'all', all that good. And I'm sure they can't say, 'Sub-commandante X' worth a damn, either. So, maybe, we'll just leave it at the occasional birthday phone call, and the random, drive-by kiss.
Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not?