Resistance to the Theft, or, Break the Cycle
by Sub-commandante X
>Hold out for the erotic revolution. It’s, how you say, coming? That’s what we’re all pulling for. It’s evolution’s inevitable destination. And, you know it’s true.
So, do what you can do. Grab a partner and make it happen faster. Faster than an Enron bankruptcy, faster, even, than a speeding bullet.
Meanwhile, white-collar crime is hatching in the Lincoln bedroom these days. What a waste.
Kinda makes ya nostalgic for the Big Dog – at least, Bill just messed with a willing intern. But Dubya is messing with the Constitution. And, nobody has that right. (Not even elected occupants of the Oval Office could get away with that.)
If the Enron collapse teaches us anything, it’s that there’s no future under capitalism. Get used to it. There’s gotta be a change.
The well-connected elite (they know who they are) without any oversights, or constraints are quite ready, willing, and able to wipe out the livelihoods and savings of tens of thousands of employees while they stuff their Swiss bank accounts to bursting.
If this is the best the repubs can come up with, we gotta find ‘em some other toys (not boys) to play with. Maybe breaking rocks, but that might be too good for them.
International relations ain’t no better. Argentina’s in dire straits, so it sells its vote in Geneva, against Cuba, for a few million Yankee dollars. Yeah, things are fucked royally. So it goes… so it goes…
But, Break the cycle. Think internationally, act locally. And, don’t forget to register to vote this time. The stakes are too high. They play dirty.
Once an offense occurs, shame on them. When it happens again, shame on you. My best friend, an ex- Miami cop, says he’s a born again ‘Neo-Liberal’. He likes to think he’s got it all figured out.
But he won’t be able to ask the right questions until he is a born-yet-again Radical. (Drop the ‘neo’ shit.)
The real ‘problem’ with Viet Nam, he likes to say, is that the military “trusted” the left bent media. And, they had the nerve to show the war for what it was. Shock!
He takes that as a personal affront, somehow. He says, it was “a knife in the back.” He’s quite comfortable with the military keeping the media on a tight leash.
In fact, he predicted the end of the media covering military operations, long ago. Now, reporters who dare to uncover the facts are kidnapped and killed. In the case of Wall Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl, the known suspects were already wanted for past atrocities. But the boys in blue couldn’t be bothered to find ‘em.
Cops are real good finding doughnuts, and victimless criminals, like working girls of the street, and pot smoking kids. But they’re a little slow finding the big guys who could cut ‘em down at the knees.
The Pentagon offers press briefings as a solution. They don’t take questions and they only tell what they want you to know. Oh, sure… The open and objective Pentagon, you just gotta stop worrying, and learn to love the eternal war.
Imperialism don’t rest. It benefits only the international banker class. Might be time to hop off this bus, while the getting is still good.
Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not? Write him at