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Lessons to Be Learned, or, Elections Are Bogus
by Sub-commandante X

To the archived articlesThere were writers who taught an angry young radical that beyond politics there were lessons to be learned.

- Paul Krassner, who showed how one could exaggerate the obvious, and still tell it straight.

- H.L. Mencken, that a style could be crafted that would allow for a biting tongue.

- Will Rogers, that simple truth and honesty could be talked and joked about. And,

- Mark Twain, (Sam the man Clements) the old master, who showed that, above all, it was fun.

(Did I mention Charles Bukowski?) Of course, there are many others...

And it's still rolling on. Not any more comprehensible or predictable, but there's a bit of perspective to it now.

Even things you've never seen or heard before, they don't throw you quite so far. So, what else is new? What else can you show me?

The Spanish election went "center-right", or so it's called. A fascist, anti-Basque vote it was. Can't cry though, elections are bogus. Everybody knows that.

The Basques (ETA) chose not to play. They boycotted the election. Sore losers perhaps, but they still have their pride. And, their own language, and, the oldest civilization in Europe.

Some things can't be taken away, stolen or lost, unless you permit it.

The pope wants to pardon the church's sins? Well, first, I'd suggest asking indigenous peoples, and then some folks on the way to the showers for their input. Might do him some good.

Then, 'el papa' could do two 'our fathers,' three 'hail marys,' and a "good" 'act of contrition'...

And, may the goddesses and gods have mercy on his shallow soul.

Bumper stickers read:

"Gun control means hitting the target." and,

"Gun control is using both hands."

Yeah, we gotta long way to go. And, we got guns. So, better watch your step on this long, bloody death march.

PSA from the Unarmed Beachbum Underground:

The Power of Abbreviation

Why go thru all the trouble of saying, "Fly the flag?" and, "Veterans of Foreign Wars?"

When you can save breath, and still get the message across with,

"'F' the flag" and, "Veterans of 'F'n Wars?"

Never underestimate the power of abbreviation.

Some folks work real hard at being stupid. They just don't trust their own natural abilities. (Not like yours truly, obviously.)

Take that immigrant chica from the island of pigs. She's an old maid at 26. Surrounded by her family, and the church, and she just can't figure it out.

She speaks unapprovingly of a young woman who was,

"Putting on red eye shadow."

Her conversations are in little girl talk, and are peppered with,

"I said," "I said," "...and then, I said,"

Me, me, me. "No, really, what did you think I said?"

Listen real close and you could hear her whisper,

"Tell me something I can believe. I dare you."


She knows who and what she likes, tho, and that's a start. Well, kinda. She says things like,

"He's a nice guy, but he was never taught how to be faithful." And,

"He's real good at keeping things vague."

No, she hasn't got a clue. She could be a poet, but I don't wanna shock her. All you can do is wish her well.

(And, maybe, chant a quiet Hari Krishna, of course.)

Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not?