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Rama Banana, or, Snow White in a Brothel
by Sub-commandante X

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“She changed the subject every time money came up, and she
says, ‘even the swap meets around here are getting pretty corrupt’.”
--“Brownsville Girl”, B. Dylan

At the Slurping Poetry Slamming Rama Banana, it felt like a movie you’d seen, or a song you’d heard before. And you didn’t care for it much back then.

There were a lot of numbers, & a lot of judges conferring. Still, the inevitable happened. The politically connected Prima Donna took home the check. (Whether it’ll bounce or not, is another question.)

Sometimes it’s hard to get excited, so I don’t wanna seem too critical. Just sit back and watch it all flow to the sea.

When somebody ‘wins’, that makes every one else a loser.

Despite what the XFL tried to say, finding ‘reality’ or, ‘access’ sports (or anything else) on TV, is like finding Snow White in a brothel.

Ain’t gonna happen anytime soon. You’re always watching what somebody else wants you to see, and wants you to hear.

Reality ain’t like that and never will be. Better blow up the damn TV, and take a good look around for a starter.

JC Penny gets clothes from sweatshops that starve and beat Vietnamese women.

Now, if you take off all the exploited clothes and shoes produced in a third world sweat shop for consumption in the West...

Forget about a ‘Naked Lunch’, it would be a Nude Capitalist Repast, all the time.

Sub-X was in Habana when ‘Dubya’ was selected the anointed one. Kinda makes ya proud to be Canadian, don’t it? (Or Costa Rican, or Swiss, or Venezuelan, or...)

If it coulda been bought, we would have done it long ago. We’ve been heading down the wrong evolutionary trail for 10,000 years, now.

Time to get back to the Giant Mind. Prepare for an archaic revival in your neighborhood.

The nomads of the Australian outback tell us we took the wrong trail when we gave up hunting and gathering to live in cities.

Personally, I’m looking forward to getting back to fishing. So I’ll be able to prepare gifts from Mother Earth, and to share them with others.

Small step, I know but, we gotta start somewhere. Try to get back to a more natural-earth-rhythm life-style.

All ya gotta do is close your eyes and stuff your ears, and it’ll get real clear.

Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not?