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Ideas are Dangerous, or, A Better World Is Possible
by Sub-commandante X

To our home pageY’know ideas are dangerous. So, be good, and don’t think too much. And, never, ever, question anything. ‘Cause if you do, you might see that you’re just another well-oiled cog in the war machine. And, that could terrify you.

You’ve heard, “It can’t happen here.” Well, it all ready has. John Locke said in The Second Treatise of Government,

“Tyranny is the exercise of power beyond right…” and,
“Wherever law ends, tyranny begins.”

Consider the right wing coup of the presidential election of 2000. As David Cogswell says in his “The Coup of 2001 and the Inaugural Cry,”

“The Bush team made a play that was outside of the logic of democracy: [to] stop all further counts and thwart the opponents' rights to have recounts.”

The Bush Family Evil Empire (BFEE) did business with Nazi Germany even after the U.S. had declared war and G.I.’s were on the ground and under fire. It’s a matter of historical fact, and you can look it up.

“The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a great lie than a small one.”
Adolph Hitler
Mein Kampf

A bird pooped on my car as I started to pack. Turned out to be a good omen. I’d just turned 55, and I was in the market for a condo.

I was moving from a run down apartment house by the tracks in West Palm Beach, to Delray Beach, Florida. The fact that some of the September 11 terrorists lived in Delray Beach is just a coincidence, honest.

I’d just turned 55, and was in the market for a condo. But it was more than just a change of location I was getting. This was a move uptown.

I bought a 2 bedroom, 2 bath completely (& tastefully) furnished apartment with mirrors on the wall. It comes with 2 TV’s, 2 VCR’s, and A dining room set with china from China!

I walk around my new place now and I know I stole it. Must have stepped in something. I was so lucky that my former slum landlord and a former tenant helped me move. What can I say? (I didn’t pay ‘em much.)

Of course, it helps to be rich, good looking and charming. But in any case, plain luck goes a long, long way.

Why there wasn’t a civil war over the 2000 (s)election was a national disgrace. That was my initial reaction.

But, now that the people are organizing to re-claim the democracy stolen by the Bush corporate-government in the last election, there’s hope.

And, that’s a damn good thing. (How do you spell Fascism?) Movements like the Rolling Thunder Down Home Democracy Tour or, checkout Lollapalooza of the Left.

For a real life hero there is Julie Hiatt Steele, who lost house, home and livelihood over Ken Starr’s obsession with Clinton’s zipper. She’s running for congress. To learn more checkout Get to know the lady who went to jail because she would not lie to the tune of rabid Clinton-hater Kenneth Starr April 27th in D.C.

A Better World Is Possible

“Ideas are dangerous,” like they say. So much so, the Bush White House instructed the U.S. delegates attending the International Conference on Financing for Development in Monterrey, Mexico on 3/22/02, to get up and leave the room as Castro began to speak.

Very theatrical and melodramatic, but what were they afraid of? For those who would like to know what an alternative to U.S. controlled multi-national globalization might look like, what follows are excerpts from the speech entitled “A Better World is Possible” by Cuban President Fidel Castro.

Pretty scary stuff. The U.S. delegation was not permitted to hear that. But you did. You’re privileged.

Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not? Write him at