Charm in Multi-Realities, or, It's All an Illusion
by Sub-commandante X
"Excuse me, I just called you, 'Honey'. I'm sorry."
Well, I'm not. I refer to her as 'Doctor.' She's my dentist. Yeah, she's young and beautiful, but don't get too excited. Dr. Martini is married. She has a lovely daughter, and a big bruiser for a husband.
I hadn't had an appointment in 6 months. But, when our eyes met, I sensed she was happy to see me. (More than just a paycheck, I hope.)
Now, I don't wanna tell stories out of class, or anything, but... The fun of having a pretty, blond Spanish/Italian female dentist is that, she works in close, under cramped conditions, and occasionally, you might get to feel a little boob on your arm, or head.
Hard to say, it's unwelcome. I sure don't mind. (I'd never say, "I'm sorry.") I don't think she'd be in this profession, if she couldn't handle it.
It's fun to admire someone from a distance, from time to time, for a brief spell, anyway. It gets real old, real quick. And you don't wanna make a habit out of it, of course.
It's more fun to have love returned, or, so I've been told, in ever expanding circles.
Some smiles, on some people, are just tuned to your heart strings. And, you vibrate to a higher frequency whenever they're around. Y'know?
I'm sure you do.
The 'Doctor' always apologizes for pain. Professionally, she must say, "I'm sorry," a lot in a week. Wonder what the world's record is? Bet, she's real close.
At the moment of the 'wayward' remark, I was only conscious of how close the drill was coming to a live nerve. But, behind that awareness, I was enjoying an on-going erotic reverie, starring, guess who?
No, I honestly can't say I heard her say 'Honey.' But, I think, that just goes to prove thought transfer. She was flustered, though, so I just brushed it aside with an off-hand line.
Still, it was sweet to be called 'Honey' by my favorite dentist. Just remember, thought transfer works. So as you go forth, have fun, but be aware of psychic communication.
What the hell happened? Suddenly, everybody's younger than me. (Don't tell me.) My dentist, chiropractor, and lawyer are all younger. Wonder what the fuck that could mean?
But, the final straw, was to be busted by a 'rookie' cop, fresh out of the academy, that really hurt. (By the way, for the record, I was framed.)
Basically, it's all illusion. Teresa, the brilliant chemistry graduate, nurse administrator/physics student - points out that what we call 'matter' really doesn't exist.
"Because, when you look real close," she says, "All physical matter is just enormous amounts of space, with charged particles dashing around." There's nothing really 'solid' there. Everything, is basically, an illusion. What a concept! The eastern Masters were right, all along, of course.
Sub-atomic particles are sounding more like jazz titles and poetry, all the time. 'Charm in multi-realities' reads the textbook. From the Tao of Physics, quantum detectives and sub-atomic analysts are seeking the 'cosmic code.'
And, they're getting closer to finding whatever there is to find. But, first, how can you know where going, when you don't know where the fuck you are?
PSA: From the Unarmed Beach Bum Underground,
People go by different labels around here, Mechanic, Waitress, or Artist. But, your pod, or tribe, is quietly waiting for you. Open, loving persons who call you friend, son, or daughter. Just open your heart (and other stuff).
And, if that sounds easy,... well, it just could be.
Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not?