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Benefit of the Doubt, or, Get Over It
by Sub-commandante X

To the archived articlesInvited by a friend (and former N.O.W. President at FAU), I took up the nerve to arrive early at the feminist Lecture Series.

Seems author, professor, Dr. Mary Daly, was "forced into early retirement" from Boston U. because she would not allow males into her classes on feminism.

On quiet reflection, I tend to disagree with those who feel the greatest social evil is 'inequality.' Ain't that a little like "not hating nothing at all, 'cept hatred?"

Can we talk here or what? How can men and women be "equal," for chrissakes? It's sort of a non-question. (Of course equal pay for equal work, but beyond that.)

Excuse me, but some people do have certain differences. Boy-types and girl-types, for example. That's a no-brainer if there ever was one. I really don't think I have to draw you a picture.

At this point, before the talk, I'd be willing to give Dr. Daly the benefit of the doubt.

I reckon, I can go so far as accepting the notion of woman to woman (or, women to women, for that matter) discussion and dialog on what it means to be female. They should know, who else is gonna tell 'em?

As long as we continue to identify as Human Beings (nothing is permanent, you know) that, perhaps, should always be the case.

It's all so fluid, still in spin, so to speak. "Femaleness" is continually being redefined. The fact that men are so comfortable in their 'maleness,' at the moment, perhaps proves their lack of awareness.

I really can't see that men have all that much to contribute to the discussion.

Oh, they can be supportive and loving, but not really be active participants in determining the social dynamic of 'feminism.' Simply put, it's not a male game. No dishonor, disrespect, or inequality here.

Any male would have to be the 'odd man' out. Surprised?

Women are, or 'feminism' is, exactly what women say it is. I fail to see the problem.

It might, or might not, be significant to note that the good Dr. did not appear for her talk, instead, she was checked into a local hospital for an undisclosed illness.

(Conspiracy theories and rumors abound, of course.)

I should've known. Like the iron man, Cal Ripken says, "Can't get too high, or too low. Gotta keep yourself under control."

Well, I sensed I might be losing it, when I was sure that the certified letter waiting at the Post Office for me was from an admiring Literary Agent. Yeah, OK, I shoulda known.

Looks like fame and fortune are just gonna have to wait. The letter was from the Recreational Resource Management, Inc. (The Ocala National Forest.)

It was a bill for expenses incurred during a 'rescue' back in January. A rather mundane annoyance compared to the literary prizes I was about to win.

Oh, well, back to the semi-real world. And it serves me right. So, I made like an American citizen, and wrote to my congresspeople.

As a former Boy Scout, and Viet Nam era vet, I figured I could spend the night in the forest and return the canoe in the morning. But, they sent helicopters, police, and forest rangers after me. (Honest.)

The bill was interesting too, $565.00. So, I signed the letter to the 'Honorable(s)' "Your loyal constituent." Yeah, I know, I got no shame.

But, I did get two (2) response postcards from agents that day. Both were marked,

"No, not interested." As opposed to,
"Yes, let's work together and make some real money."

There's no accounting for taste, like they say. How's that go, "You can take water to a horse, but you can't make it jump?"

It's just like a suitor who gets turned down cold. There's no arguing with bad taste. Just accept it, and remember, you really don't want someone who don't want you.

Get over it, and get on with it.

"Not too high, or too low. Stay under control"

Tomorrow's another day, y'know. See ya 'round campus.

Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not?