Just One of Many, or, Hardly Fucking Funny
by Sub-commandante X
One day it’ll hit you. It’s not just a theory. The past is constantly becoming the future. And, the future folds back into the past.
It’s the eternal present that we’re really looking for. It hasn’t gone anywhere. It’s still right here, right now. So, don’t miss it.
You don’t have to sweat the small stuff. So, go for the whole enchilada, with salsa. We’re using way too little of our potential on this planet.
And, we haven’t even turned the lights on yet. Talking ‘bout the light that’s inside of each and every one of us.
This is not the ‘be all and end all’ of all there is (like they try to tell you). Hardly, this is just one of many, many cycles.
And, this cycle is coming to its end, according to the Mayan calendar, in December 2012. Getting nervous yet?The change from one cycle to another will be total, but nothing is really gonna be all that different.
Maybe the Sun and Moon won’t come up and go down, just like before, but we can change our perspective.
At the present moment we’re not living (or loving) very consciously.
We’re more like children without supervision or wisdom. And, there are some dangerous toys lying around. I’d say, “Let it go.”
Freely adapted from the Tibetan, “On love”:
“So she becomes perfectly herself, what does that matter to me?” Says her conscious lover “I will gladly go to hell if only she can go to heaven.” Conscious love evokes a similar attitude in return.
Maybe it’s not all that humorous, but it is fucking funny. So-called civilization has been heading down the wrong evolutionary path for over ten thousand years.
The material world can be seductive and appealing (and all that). But, it can also be repulsive and horrid.
Might be time, as a species, we decide to take another trail. Remember, “There are many rooms in the mansion.” It’s getting to the time to return to who we really are.
Can we say it? Spirit. Terrence McKenna called spirit, “for all practical purposes, consciousness.”
Why do you think 90% of the brain is ‘unused’? Could it be that the universe has made some kinda grand mistake? And, who are we to judge, we who haven’t got a clue?
You’d have to be dumber than ‘stuff’ to believe that one.
I feel funny, and I can’t stop thinking about her. Wish I could be distracted, but I can't.
I don’t mind being apart, I just kinda wish it was my idea.
Until she finds a place and a plan, it’s never a good idea to come up with a reunion date with the Gypsy Rose.
“It’s good to want things,” she says with a straight face.
Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not?