"From the Unworldly Underground," or, "Sometimes, It's Tough To Say 'No'"
by Sub-commandante X
You can take all the praise the world wants to give. Be gracious, & say 'Thanks.' But you're not the source of diddly, & you know it. And what's a 'you' anyway?
If you can identify with unfolding dreams and pent up emotions, it's well understood that this existence is far beyond any individual lifetime.
Something in the ether needs to be expressed. Don't sell the universe short. She always reciprocates in kind. It's up to you to find the key to your own joy.
Who are you waiting for? Who could know any better than you? Remember if it's physical, then there's really nothing to get too excited about. So, just let it roll on by. There's no one who can tell you what to do. Hell, there's no one you listen to, anyway.
Last night, I was thinking about her. Now, she stands in front of me. It was so much easier when we were little. "Do you wanna be friends?" was all that had to be uttered. Over 50, things are slower, perhaps more cautious, but certainly no less intense.
As kids we loved each other, and we knew it. We need to return to that understanding. Our kid's play was a shared reality apart from the 'adult' world.
There's a unique bond that defines the post-WWII generation. It spans oceans and all walks-of-life. The baby-boomer, flower-power, button-down wave was brought up in a national televised day-care center.
Then, we were shipped out to the jungle, back to school, or, assigned to make somebody else rich. We had the same collective dreams and fantasies (real-time) shaping our experience.
For example, Disney, Elvis, Marilyn, and playing golf on the moon. Now, some of that was cool, and some of it was asinine. And, I don't have to tell you which was which.
'Civilization' has been under the control of the patriarchal materialists, or what Terrence McKenna calls, the 'Dominator Culture,' for about 10,000 years or so. In the age of the universe, that's an augenblink. An instantaneous correction, actually.
Down with the dominators, or rather, down with their pants. We must elevate their consciousness to the full human potential. It's the ones with the vision, who have the obligation to pass it on. (Uh, yeah...)
And yes, it is beautiful. Definitely strange, but hauntingly familiar in a mellow kinda way. The attraction has a double whammy: 1) a push from behind, by the physical, & 2) a pull forward, toward the Infinite.
Sometimes it's tough to say 'no'. And, sex and drugs have nothing really to do with it. You innately want to experience other realities & awarenesses.
Call it 'love', 'coca cola', or 'Midol', for that matter - a consciousness shift - is what's going down. It's only been the dominators who have shaped the debate so far.
I say, "Just say, 'blow.'" Drugs are a diversion, sex is likewise. Whenever we get close to a real breakthru, the dominator culture pulls out the last taboos, sex and drugs, to keep everybody neatly in line.
Let's pause for a PSA from the unworldly underground:
This is a culture that gives drug tests to its entry level applicants, and phone sex to its executives. And why do you think they call it 'Cuntry' music, anyway?
You can always tell a mainstream American movie or TV, 1) there's never a dick in sight, & 2) if there is a boob, soon there'll be blood and gore. In the American vernacular that's called 'art'.
Back to our program, in progress...
I, for one, want to always go on. With 90% of our brain designated as 'undeveloped,' how will we ever explain our indifference, in the face of the rapture that awaits?
I wish you could've smelled the wet heat dripping off her. Could this be the seed of a 'cream dream.' slowly but surely, materializing? I certainly hope so, but why put limits? Dream beyond limits.
The notion that science can answer all questions (or any questions, really) is a myth. The shaman says, "the world is as you dream it." And, that "man is the dream of the dolphin."
It's kinda spooky when you're around, 'cause you're so weird. I don't wanna get too close to your fire. I could singe my fingers. Still & all, its not so easy to turn my back on you. I flipped a coin, either peace or turmoil, and it came up face down. So, now it's clear...
It's time for the student to teach the teacher, & the child to teach the parent. Like it's straight out of some ancient prophecy (which it is, of course). We're getting tuned to new vibrations. It's counting down. And, we ain't seen nothing yet.
Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not?