The Adventure Continues, or, Not Acting Authentically
by Sub-commandante X
“If it leaves, and then comes back. Or, if it leaves, and just keeps going, either way it’s OK. Don’t try to possess what can’t be possessed. It hurts too much.”
Sub-commandante X
Actually, we were never lovers, no matter what you might hear. So, there’s really no reason to come on like some spurned sweetheart now.
But, we were too closely bonded, in the cosmic sense, to just vanish over the horizon without a trace. Hardly.
It’s funny, in a way, kinda, to realize you have to change behavior patterns that have been etched deep in your character by an indifferent culture.
Nothing personal, they want everyone to think the same, all the time. Why else do we make young people salute the flag every single day of the first 12 years of school?
I don’t think it’s because we’re striving to produce free thinkers in an unstructured environment.
So, we have to pay close attention when we’re not acting according to our own truth. When we’re not acting ‘authentically’, so to speak.
When you’re just going thru the motions, doing what you’re “supposed to do,” without any convictions, that’s a warning sign.
If you ever find yourself acting in a way that will hurt someone, stop and ask, “Why am I doing this?” The answer may shock you.
Why would you want to bring another pain? What could you possibly gain from it? Of course, contemporary culture will tell you it’s Ok, but you know it’s not.
Wayne Dyer says, whenever a choice presents itself as either “peace or turmoil,” always choose peace. There’ll always be trouble enough without looking for it.
Don’t worry about getting older. The adventure continues. But, the terrain may change somewhat. For example, getting drunk and getting laid (or, the other way around) may not be the primary reasons for being anymore.
But, it’s nice to know they’ll always be there to fall back on. The transition from ‘young turk’ to an ‘elder’ has many unexpected benefits, so relax.
“Even children get older,” it’s not a personal insult. And you can enjoy the trip, too.
Charles Bukowski on oral sex:
“OK,” she said, “I’ll let you live here, if you just keep licking that thing”
McVeigh’s execution musta hit him hard. I had no idea. Some folks get downright violent if you question their TV realities.
In certain circles, to wonder aloud about the validity of reports on the tube, can get you forcibly removed amid threats of severe beatings. Nothing to get excited about, though. Just comes with the territory around here.
Maybe I should be more discreet than to come right out, and suggest that “USA Today” might not be providing the whole, unfiltered version of the story. How dare me?
I blame it all on the Alternative Radio program I was listening to, “Propaganda Methods”. When the Corporate/Government owns and controls the media, what makes you think you’re getting a ‘free press’?
You’re not getting anything they don’t want you to get. And, you’re definitely getting everything they want you to get.
A middle-aged neo-nazi rich boy (when his father dies) can’t hide his true stripes in a boozy fog forever. I had my doubts. It’s not exactly a ‘friend’ I’m losing, but, shit, I’ll miss not smoking his pot.
Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not? Write him at