War Without End, or, DoubleSpeak Gone Berzerk
by Sub-commandante X
This column is written in the sense of the temporary/real. It’s temporary like everything is on the material plane. But, it’s real, sorta, like a wet dream, or, a nightmare, if you catch my drift.
Nothing is too personal, or abstract, to write about. (Sometimes you kinda wish it were.) So, whatcha got to hide?
Cast light on it. Open the windows. What is it you’re hiding from? And, why? There’s nowhere to run. (It’s only you.) Who else you gonna level with?
Yeah, I was in Habana when ‘Dubya’ (or, as the Iraqis refer to him, “the son of the viper”) was selected by the Supreme Court to be anointed Prez.
It’s embarrassing to be an american anytime, anywhere, but being with new friends in communist Cuba kinda helped me get over the shame. Oh, the difference 80 miles can make!
For me the fear and loathing started early, with the Kennedy coup de tat. To realize at 18, just what a brutal place, with such high stakes, I was living in. It was like a whiff of smelling salts (or, tear gas).
Then, soon after that, the Viet Nam war galvanized the horror and revulsion. So, go ahead and ask me, “You gonna vote?”
Final tally is in, Gore got half a million votes more than ‘Shrub’. Please tell me one more time, ‘til you’re blue in the face, how “every vote counts.”
Oh, they count, maybe, if you happen to be sitting on the head-in-the-sand, retro, Supreme Court. Ain’t amerikan demokracy a joy to behold?
Excuse me, I feel a Viet Nam flashback coming on,
Diving for cover on the floor)
Whew, there, that’s over… Thanks, now, wanna go out and vote?
‘Dubya’ on anti-missile defense, or, arsenic in drinking water, on energy, air pollution, or, the corporate media denial of global warming. Cute ain’t it, how “they play with our world like it’s their little toy.”
This is Double Speak gone berserk. If it comes to you by mass media, just take it with a grain of salt. Not only is some corporation telling you what they want you to know, they’re also keeping from you what they don’t want you to have any hint of.
Check out the following links to sources behind the news. Surf these sites. Don’t give up your right to complete, unfiltered, information without a fight. The corporate/gov’t media circus will gladly take it from you.
Check out these information resources behind the news:
www.fair.org: Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
www.antiwar.com: Best source for anti-war news. Justin Raimondo, "Behind the Headlines"
www.alternet.org: Independent Media Institute
www.rprogreso.com: Website of Radio Progreso with Francisco Aruca. Alternative to established media in South Florida
www.mediachannel.org: "We watch the world. We watch the media."
www.thebaffler.com: "Alternative to contemporary capitalism [which]… ensconce[s] itself in power and insulate[s] itself from criticism."
www.thenation.com: Est. 1865 "…to wage war upon the vices of violence, exaggeration, and misrepresentation… of the political writing of the day." And they're still doing it. (On the web, too!)
War Without End, Amen
FDR knew of, and manipulated, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. JFK was eliminated in a coup de tat. This is not conspiracy theory. This is documented fact. (see above.)
Oh, you can say it in america, but the corporate/gov’t media-spin- buzz-machine has nobody hearing it, let alone believing it.
Too many years of ‘pledging allegiance’ to the flag. It’s fucked up all power to think independently.
Coupled with multi-media corporate babysitters on the take, we couldn’t think ourselves out of a paper bag if our lives depended on it.
And, guess what? They do. (Not to mention our liberty.) Happy Fourth of July…
“It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there.”
B. Dylan
Surf seriously…
Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not? Write him at johnech@mindspring.com