Why Mince Words?, or, Something's Happening Here
by Sub-commandante X
Senator Arthur Vandenburg, when he saw Truman's plan for setting up the Central Intelligence Agency, responded:
"You're going to have to scare the hell out of the American people to get all that."
The CIA is a clandestine global military and domestic political power of immense, unprecedented scope and isn't answerable to the American people (or anyone else) in the least.
It was the shining accomplishment of the 'Haberdasher from Missouri'. (He could always blame the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as FDR's unfinished business.)
That was then. Now, we have Homeland Security. What color code are we in today? Yellow or Orange? Pink or Black? Civil liberties are in abeyance. People, U.S. citizens included, are being held incommunicado, as we speak.
There's a hole in the N.Y. skyline that won't go away. And we still don't know why there was no air cover over Washington, D.C. Especially after the second twin tower was hit.
Kill the terrorists, women and children, too!
"We were told there are no friendly forces. If there was anybody there, they were the enemy. We were specifically told that if there were women and children - to kill them."
Army Pvt. Matt Guckenheimer
Operation Anaconda
The Unelected Fraud then tells West Point cadets that the U.S. will strike first at any perceived 'enemies'. Why wait? What for? When you're the biggest bully on the block, who's gonna say boo?
Obviously, we have no independent media/news/information service, or services, anymore. (As if we ever did.) Everything gets the GOP spin and distortion.
The corporate/government/media team, whom are literally in bed, in the Lincoln bedroom, with the Enron-Halliburton executives of this obscene junta in Washington, just parrot and distribute what they are paid to say.
Out of Russia, with savvy and disdain, comes the biting analysis of Chris Floyd's 'Global Eye' column in The Moscow Times,
"Why mince words? Bush is a war profiteer on a vast historic scale, a man with only one animating principle: The aggrandizement of his own pampered self and his elitist clique. "This greed compromises every action taken by his regime - because they all result in profits for his gang."
"Another example: Bush puts U.S. bases in central Asia; Dick Cheney's Halliburton gets the construction contracts; Daddy's Carlyle Group supplies the weaponry; Dub's buds in the oil bidness get protection for their new pipelines."
"Thus, every strategic decision is turned to private profit, muddying the waters of America's moral purpose - and risking more disaster for its people."
Students were ordered to 'respect' the Fraudulent One
June 14, '02
The NY Times published an AP article stating that a group of Ohio State graduate students were told by a university official that anyone "demonstrating or heckling" the Unelected Fraud's presence "would be subject to expulsion and arrest."
The shrub was "entitled" to be greeted with a "thunderous" applause, they were told. And within a decibel or two, this he was given. This really happened at a public, tax-payer funded university, I'm sorry to report.
Excuse me, but gag me with a spoon of intellectual freedom and honesty. Even for Ohio, that's pushing it. Thanks to bartcop.com and Julie RB.
"Who needs a conspiracy when what they're doing to you is right on the front page."
- Izzy Stone
Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not? Write him at johnech@mindspring.com