Don't Feel Like Dancing, or, Bad Business
by Sub-commandante X
“I’d do anything for that woman, if she would just make me feel obligated.”
-- B. Dylan
She downright lies. Then, she don’t tell the truth. She’s mysterious and aloof. Sometimes, I wonder, what the hell am I getting into?
But, on the plus side, she’s fascinating, street-wise, and fun to be around… Still, I think I’ve had enough.
I don’t want to see her join me on the Florida coast. I went to Taos to see her last month, and got exactly what I deserved. Don’t feel like dancing no more.
Basically, you could say, I’m over it.
“It’s bad business to go to war without a target.” -- Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
America has always needed to take a closer look at death. Now it has the opportunity.
Death is American entertainment. Death is, in fact, our #1 entertainment export. #2 doesn’t even come close. The real shock registered on Terrible Tuesday, when it finally sunk in, was this was no movie.
There would be no sequel, but we had to watch the plane fly into the tower from every possible angle. Over and over again, and still it was with absolutely no comprehension.
Somebody in the Intelligence ‘community’ has a lot of explaining to do. The Directors of the CIA and the FBI will do for starters. How could we have NO clue?
Looks like the Air Force did its job. After three hijacked planes flew into the twin towers of the WTC and, the Pentagon. The Air Force made sure the fourth hijacked plane got no further than Stony Creek Township, PA, at 10:10am on Sept. 11, 2001.
Of course, the official cover story is that determined passengers brought United Flight #93 down.
Let me remind you, within half an hour the pentagon was hit. I don’t think it at all likely that the Air Force would leave the security of the United States in the hands of some, however brave, civilians on board Flight #93.
My Air Force Intelligence experience, considering the timeframes involved here, leaves me with the speculation that Flight #93 was most likely taken down by the US Air Force. As it should have been.
Why was the White House evacuated? The Air Force did its job.
To paraphrase John Lennon,
I don’t believe in flags,
I don’t believe in false idols,
And, I sure as shit, don’t believe in nation-states.
I just believe in you. Me and you. That’s reality. Don’t rally around the flag, unless it’s burning. That’s the last remnant of the reptile mind that we must let go of.
Love and security are to be found in our extended families and communities. If it’s not in yours, let me tell you about mine…
Where’s the vision thing? It’s time to get off this bus. Fertilityland in the Christian Right Amusement Park is turning out clean-cut christian soldiers to go after the ‘heathens’.
Islam is not the enemy. War is not the answer.
Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not? Write him at