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Blowback, or, an Immediate History Lesson
by Sub-commandante X

To the archived articles The buzz around the White House these days is that ‘Dubya’ is cozying up to this war thang like it’s some kinda gift.

Like most other military leaders through out time, our Commander-In-Thief believes he has been chosen by ‘god’ to lead the riff raff into battle, reports the NY Times.

And, as if in some twisted religious logic, a self proclaimed ‘god’ would allow the murder of six thousand innocents in the most horrific way imaginable, just so the unelected Weak and Stupid could “find himself” and meet his (and his country’s) “destiny.”

Please, another religious fanatic we don’t need. One is one too many. From this outpost, looks like if there is a heaven it weeps for us all.

When Sub-X was a little tyke, he was told he was not an American, nor an Italian, not even a Spaniard, or a Puerto Rican.

No, “You are Basque,” he was informed. “Gee, thanks Dad, what’s a Basque?” he wondered.

It wasn’t ‘til he was in college that the full significance of being of one ethnic type or another dawned on him. It really doesn’t matter. Your origins are in the stars, just like every other being in this universe.

But the Basque heritage is meaningful. It is the oldest civilization in Europe, with a unique language, and not related to any other in the world.

Edgar Cayce, the American “sleeping prophet”, had visions that indicated to him that the Basque people were descendants of fabled Atlantis.

Now, being a citizen of the world is one thing, but being somehow connected to a mythical prehistoric civilization is something else again.

Still, science documents many ‘prehistoric’ civilizations. For example, in the Alps, archaeological findings have uncovered frescoes dated around 250,000 years old.

But, the real shocker is that they exhibit such a very high level of artistry that contemporary man cannot duplicate the scope of their ancient skills.

That’s prehistoric culture. Some call it magic, dreams, or myth. But there they are, 250,000 years old.

To protect a culture, a civilization, it has to live, and not kill. ‘Terrorism’ has been associated with Basque separatists since before the Spanish Civil War in the 30’s, and right up to the latest car bombing in Madrid.

In the past, it had always been an accepted part of my heritage. But, no more. I am not Basque. Whatever the reasons for their terror, how ever noble, just, or romantic, is not for me to defend or condone.

I, in fact, condemn all terrorism. War is terrorism. Because some government declares with the stroke of a pen, that a war is ‘legitimate’ does not make it justifiable.

Remember, there are no ‘just’ wars, nor, ‘necessary’ wars. There is only terrorism. Don’t let yourself get carried away.

Ties That Bind

In 1977, ‘Dubya’ founded Arbusto Energy. He contends that arbusto means bush in Spanish. But, actually, it’s closer to a shrub than a bush.

Arbusto Energy was linked to BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce) that was shut down in 1991 amid charges of multi-billion-dollar fraud.

A Saudi rich kid named Osama bin Laden was one of the first investors in Arbusto. Osama got on the Bush family gravy train for a $50,000 ticket. That’s one for the Ties That Bind Dept.

The U.S. Justice Dept. referred to BCCI as the Bank of Crooks and Criminals. The Saudi Regime suggested Osama, and with CIA approval, he was recruited, trained and sent to Afghanistan.

Under CIA supervision and scrutiny, bin Laden attacked a middle school of boys and girls that was under the communist Afghan Regime. They killed all the teachers. The U.S. did not protest or interfere the massacre.

“Blowback” is a term in the spook world of counter-intelligence. It refers to a covert operation that has unexpected consequences. One could call the events of 9-11 blowback.

‘Taliban’ means student, it refers to the Pakistani trained special seminary students sent to battle the Soviets with the support of the Pakistan Army.

Now, the U.S. and Pakistan are waging war to topple a regime that they created. Never let it be said that irony is gone from immediate history.

Sub-X is a survivor of the radical '60s. These days he's attempting to get beyond the 'Them' and 'Us' duality of Conflict Consciousness. Trying to eliminate conflict from one's reality is a lot like dealing with alcohol. It's an on-going process. Currently, Sub-X seeks solutions and asks, "Why not more beauty, love, and joy?" We know we can do so much better. OK, so why not? Write him at