Steeped in imagery older than human language, the short fiction of Tala Bar speaks of primitive rites, human sacrifice, mating rituals, and systemized rape. Seeking our origins, Tala tells us stories that at once terrify and empower us, tapping into things far older and deeper than anything we can communicate with mere words. Her stories will leave you both disquieted and hungry for more.
"My literary career started by translating into Hebrew (which is my original language) a couple of classical books – Jurger by Cable and The White Goddess by Robert Graves. Since then, I translated more than twenty books of English classics.
"Although I live in Israel, I aquired an M.Phil. degree in literature from the London University, and to support myself I taught Hebrew and English languages and literature. Only on retiring, I was able to fulfill my dream and dedicate my full time to writing. Since then, I have had published three novels, one book of stories and one book of poems – all in Hebrew. I now write literary articles on the Internet in Hebrew, and I have my stories published in English – both on the internet and in paper. Basically, I see myself as a storyteller, and this kind of literature is also what I like to read.
"Like all artists (I also paint and sculpt), I wear a mask; but the mask not only hides the outer features, it also reveals the artist’s inner self. That is why I prefer to send a self- portrait rather than a photograph – it is both more interesting and more telling. You can write to Tala at
Tala's works here at Unlikely Stories are: