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To Esteban R. Arellano, Jr.'s next piece
For Lisa --
Black Ants And Fruit Flies
Have you ever seen black ants
on snow,
or a fruit fly
cast a shadow?
I don’t know --
When I was a boy
growing up on a farm
in Tejas,
my brother Alberto and I
had an elaborate grave
for animals.
It was the Oh Fuck, I Up & Died Cemetery For Critters.
We had stones and wooden crosses
with painted epitaphs:
Here lies one leg of a prairie dog
ate by the damn chicken hawk
who’s been eating our chicks.
He was a good meal,
and in death he saved a hen.
God bless him;
Here lies a one-eyed rodent
shot dead for being a rat;
like when farmer Hopkins
poisoned my dog,
and my brother and I buried him
under a harvest moon.
The epitaph simply read,
He was our brother,
and we loved him.
Our hearts are broken ...
On cold winter nights,
I think of heaven, earth, and hell.
I think of when I e-mailed Glen,
told him she was dead;
what I wanted to say was
I had talked to her
and told her I liked her shit.
I told her I understood
the eating of her lover’s asshole;
and, being we lived 10 miles from each other,
maybe one day we’d meet
-- but now,
she was gone;
and Glen e-mailed Jim,
and Jim told our brothers and sisters
and we mourned.
Many pomes were written.
We told each other
how beautiful these pieces were,
in reality,
it all sucked --
like her death.
it still haunts me
-- Lake Michigan
-- words
-- her tongue.
On winter nights
I feel her cold lick,
and I pucker ;
I’d just like to say,
your pomes
make me feel like Coyote.
Tricked by Raven,
he fried and ate
his own fucking anus
choked on it.
It’s goddamn funny --
isn’t it?”
about black ants
and snow;
fruit flies and shadows,
I don’t know --
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