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This is the real story of Scarlet O'Hara. This is what happened where only reality lives. This is the story of truth. It is what, if being possible, Scarlet would say if she had a mouth, eyes, hands, feet, proportions and dimensions. Scarlet is not real. She is a character in a play, a novel, a film. She is a figment. She lives in an imaginary place: Tara. This is the place where Scarlet lives. She lives in a dreamworld. She lives where reality hides.
Scarlet was only sixteen when she was forced to fuck. Being the average age of sexual awareness, it is the age of experimentation (In her dreams, her mother told her that one day she would fall in love. She would find the perfect woman and live happily, giving her soul to this angel and raping her nightly with love. She would then, and only then, find herself because Sex = love. There was no love that was not sex. This is an important equation in all human relationships (Sex = Love). When she found her woman, she would no longer be waiting for love because she would have sex. She didn't have to worry about love, because there was enough sex out there for everybody, like the old saying goes. "There is sex out there for everyone." She never thought about love until she started having!, in her dreams, where reality is hidden, sex. She never thought about love until she started wanting, in her dreams, where reality is hidden, love. She never thought about sex until she started having, in her dreams, where reality is hidden, love). It is the age when most people become aware of their own ability to love another human being who is not theirself and begin to wish to share this love, experience this love, and even experiment with this love with another human being who is not theirself. Unfortunately it is also the age of delusion.
She dreamed. She dreamed of falling in sex with someone and having a white picket fence with a cat; perhaps a dog. She began her quest, first time looking, at a party. It can be recalled, in the minds eye, where reality is hidden, for those who have seen the film. Remember when she first falls in love with that guy, who isn't Rhet, and she flirts, with those other chicks, at the party and that geek, who isn't Rhet, falls for her? Well, here it is--her first time wanting love, who isn't Rhet:
[Enter Mammy]
Mammy: "You aren't going down to find love until I have tightened your corset for you"
Scarlet: "Ma'am, yes ma'am!"
Mammy undressed, pouring into the room like some kind of tribal musk. Scarlet inhales deeply the scent of Africa and shivers.
Mammy undresses Scarlet:
Scarlet, in her pale European comparison, shrinks vibrantly within the aura of Mammy. Her unburned skin shrivels into a mine field of bumps. "Ma'am, yes ma'am," Scarlet whispers under her breath.
Mammy pushes pale ghost-like figure onto bed. Rope. Scarlet in knots; woman tied up in knots--and tighter, ever so sternly; ropes to burning point.
Scarlet fevers.
Mammy invades.
Large, double-headed dildo into Scarlet. Mammy on top. Scarlet no noise, gag in reflex chamber forces tongue into esophagus. Choke.
Six inch anal probe into snowflake ass. Scarlet sweat onto Mammy flesh.
Sex, oh god, is, yes, into (Muffled passion gargles in throat), fuck me, pleasure. Faster, ugh, into, oh god, kingdom, yes. Flesh, oh, explores, oh, space. Love (Muffled gargles in passion throat), OH, replaces, YES, fantasy.
Mammy falls, Scarlet climbs. Mountains together. Oceans pool. Landscape fades. Explosion. Empty body. Empty body.
One: Tension gasps.
Two: Shudder releases delight wave.
Three: Explosion of again-stars.
Four: (Whimper of
Five: suspense subsides into
Six: pleasure-release.)
Seven: Penetration reduces.
Eight: Mind uncovers expansion.
Nine: Voicebox exhales passion-fall.
Ten: Body remembers itself.
Mammy: "Now you go find what love will give to you that I can't. You won't. There is nothing left for your world now. We are finished. I will always be here for you."
Scarlet: "Ma'am, yes ma'am!"
[Exit Mammy]
Scarlet enters the party as the whore. She is only sixteen and that's old enough. It's time. Her corset is too tight. She has to hang out with the geeks. She wants to fuck Sylvester Stallone. He's standing in the corner with Cindy Crawford. She's a bitch. Scarlet smiles. She never did mind the little things. Flinging her hair back into fuck memory, she runs down the stairs to Sylvester.
RE: Rhet Butler
When Scarlet wished to have love with Sylvester and he wasn't interested, failing all of her womanly charms (Great balls of fire!), Scarlet went insane.
Rhet Butler came to Scarlet, one night, in dream, where reality hides, while she was in the sanitarium. Scarlet, seeing this apparition as a true incarnation of all that she hated about herself, fell in sex. She never loved Rhet, only Sylvester, and began to have a passionate affair.
In being a figment of reality, Scarlets imagination, she hallucinates:
When Scarlet wished to have love with Sylvester, after Mammy had rejected her, she went to all of the parties where Sylvester may have been. All of her guesses having been wrong, as Scarlet never saw Sylvester at any other party with Cindy than the first one mentioned in the aforementioned text, that of the truth, Scarlet went mad. She, being a figment of reality, hallucinated Rhet. Rhet, being a figment of the first party, party of the first part, the truth, became a working fabric of this hallucination when, and only when, Scarlet, being in the sanitarium, remembered the past as part of the figmentation of dream and understood herself.
Mammy, having said the horrible, told Scarlet no and made her cry. These tears, being a river of life and a pathway back into sexing, saved Scarlet from the pain of her imagination and she understood Mammy no longer.
Rhet, being now Scarlet and alive, as Scarlet, took into his womb, in the form of a cock, the cradle of Scarlets living and reshaped her past, now out of Scarlets control because it was not part of her own self. In reshaping her reality, Rhet dreamed of only himself, Scarlet, and their relationship, Scarlet and Rhet's, gave off the appearance of having an inextinguishable flame of sex. This flame, an illusion because it was not hallucinogenic, engulfed Rhet's own comprehension, that of Scarlets, and, because they are already one within themselves, they divided. This division, being the opposite of confusion, must take place in order to fabricate this reality, dream, of Scarlets nightmare. She no longer can !see herself through the lens of her own eyes and must create a new pair of glasses to correct her field of vision. Thus Rhet.
When Rhet, after the birth of their sexing child, left Scarlet, leaving her blind because Scarlet could no longer deal with the clarity of herself, and created a vacuum of knowing in which nothing made unsense and obsession had no purpose, calm became her master. [Echo: "There's always tomorrow" X's three.] This calm, eerily complacent within itself, is the forming fabric, having its foundation in compliance with acceptance, of Scarlets return to Tara. She would find Mammy and have her child.
The sexing child of Rhet and Scarlet stood, as a stone, between Tara and Scarlet. So, on the night of the silvery moon, it was in June, she took their child out into the field behind the old house and shot the child, shooting a hole in one, through the single head atop the shoulders. The child died, there in the field. The moon wept. Scarlet, calmingly sophisticated, left the corpse unburied to feed mother nature and continue her woven chain of cannibalism.
Leaving for Mammy, in the form of Tara, Scarlet drove, into her heart, the stake of passion into her quest. She would find Mammy and never worry about sex and feeling loveable again. Mammy! Mammy! MAMMY!!! There was no reply. And so, till this day, Scarlet searches. Waiting in the shadow of knowing and not knowing, of doubt and surety, of opposites which attract the moths to the flame. Tara is the moth, Scarlet is the flame, and Mammy, sexing love, is pure, like granulated sugar, desire.
This is what Scarlet, being ill with the fever of life, imagined Tara to be:
"I can rebuild it. Make it better; stronger; faster. I will never again be hungry for sex. I will never again starve. As I am god, the witness of my desire, I will stake my claim. I will never be starving for love again.
'My baby! Oh my god! My baby! The poor child, left in the cold disarray of life. I have, my baby, killed, my god, the desire which leapt forth and struck this child, this sweet child of mine, down like lightning. My life, blood, and breath. My baby! Oh my god! My baby!
'Rhet! Rhet! Rhet! What shall I do? Where shall I go? You can't just leave me like this! What will the neighbors think? What will I do with myself to guide me? Where are you going? Why are you leaving me? Rhet? Rhet? Answer me Rhet!
'A good dictionary is essential in the writing of a good paper. You should also keep on hand at least one reliable guide to writing. There is still another aspect of language to consider. What are its social connotations. Careful writers also avoid designating sex. Effective writing depends as much on clarity and readability as on content."
And so, having spoken these words, she set on her search for Mammy. Mammy was now living, as all black women do, in the cave of history. Her chains, being those of white guilt, perpetuated the standpoint that freedom would only come when all good men deserved fudge. This illustration, being filled with factitude, became clearer when Mammy visited Germany. Time heals all wounds, they say, and Germans can only hope that, in the course of the future, their disgrace will be replaced with an ever deepening repression of fact and feeling. This, in turn, will create a utopian society, as, in the process of genocide, the killing off of one another, that is--human beings--will create an economic target area and the need for boosterism in the political arena, siphoning the riches of greed off of the commonwealth of blight. We, Scarlet, as Americans will rebuild a better, stronger, faster, more heterogeneous German society and wipe away the tears of death with the gift of time. Time heals all wounds, Mammy. Time heals all wounds.
Therefore, because of the latter, Mammy was no where to be found. Scarlet, in her empty desolation of barren vastness, sat by the river of Tara and wept. She wept for three years, forming, with her tears, the fertile soil of rejuvenation. The land, once glazed with atomic devastation, refolded into itself and once more sprung forth with foliage. In three years time, and on the second day of the third month, light was cast into this shadow-land of Tara and beauty began to restore itself in the dank, sterile white cotton room of the sanitarium. Thus, the creation of myth and the destruction of chaos--delivering law and order to the universe once again. Thank you Scarlet (A round of applause under sitcom laugh).