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Sick Fucks
in a trailer
with boarded-up windows
on 33rd and 5th
a rookie cop puked
into a shit clogged toilet
& called for an ambulance
despite the fact
2 year old Melissa
had been rotting
from starvation
& dehydration
for at least a week
while in the trash
cluttered bedroom
momma lay overdosed
with a welfare check
coursing pure Afghani
horse through her caved
hypodermic veins
2 blocks away
on South 6th Avenue
Johnny's 3rd grade head
bounced like an 8-ball
against a scarred
black hardwood floor
blood splattered
an abstract painting
to stain the vomit
stenched Ice-T shirt
of momma's white-nigger
wanna-be pimp
whacked out on
crack cocaine
3 blocks south
& 1 block east
this alcoholic writer
sits at a pool hall
& slams his
5th shot of Jose Cuervo
& fist against the bar
while Shorty passes
a Folger's coffee can
for the families
left behind
& tells me services
will be held at
St. Anthony's Cathedral
over on 6th & 22nd
3 days apart
and in my reflective
wonder if
these loyal Catholics
had been permitted
condoms & abortion
none of this shit
would have had
to go down

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