Visual and tactile in their symbolism, Tasha's poems use haunting, bleak imagery to incite powerful, shattering emotions. She brings to her readers a sense of longing and fear, tinged with what could be hopelessness or could be a tireless hope.
Tasha lives in the Chicago area. She is a receptionist for a retirement facility and a telecommunications business. She is inspired by the poetry of Anne Sexton, Jim Morrison & e.e. cummings. She has been published in numerous web eZines, currently Erosha and Verse Libre. Drop her a line at, or check out her new 'zine at
Tasha's works here at Unlikely Stories are:
naked trees are the worst
the death of genna clark
the part you don't see in this photo
the (st)art of madness
The Color of Dusk
July 1999 - July 2000:
Through a Rip
Bang! You're Dead