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Voice of Jay, Recollection in the : #1

"I was pounding nails into a board when my hammer got stuck on a back-stroke.
"I turned around and my hammer was stuck in the back of your head.
"You weren't screaming, so I tried to pry my hammer out, but it was really stuck.
"So I took you to Mom and told her you wouldn't give me my hammer back,
and she turned white as a sheet 
and laid down on the floor and went to sleep.
"So I took you to Pop and told him you wouldn't give me my hammer back,
and he turned white as a sheet
but he didn't lay down on the floor and go to sleep.
"Pop drug us all to Emergency, and the doctors and nurses
all turned white as sheets
and took you off somewhere
Half an hour later,
I got back my hammer back.
It's been a prized possession ever sense

That's the way my brother Jay tells it.  All I remember is screaming.

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