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Waterfront Property
The salty, sticky smell of the ocean served notice of our imminent arrival.
The heat, mixed with ocean air, acted as a tonic,
causing us to chortle and beam.
We approached the drawbridge on Memorial causeway.
The feel and bouquet of the salt in the air emitting from the Gulf of Mexico
is unsurpassable. The Jeep, idling, waiting for the drawbridge to close.
The sun was beating down, the breeze blowing from south to north
through the open vehicle.
An open bow Boston Whaler tailed by a twin outboard Scarab
coasted through the No Wake Zone until they reached the
Resume Safe Speed sign at Marker #3 at which point their throttles
opened and a fish tail of ocean spray shot into the air like Old Faithful
The pelicans flocked to the lone fisherman, surrounding the old angler
like an audience. Gulls soared through the cloudless sky racing the parasailers.
And I watched.
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