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baby it's 3 am,
you know what i'm sayin?
i was driving underneath
a meteor shower (with the top down)
and i caught a falling star,
it landed beside me and asked to tag along..
so i drove straight to hell and picked up love
because she had called beggin for a ride home.
baby it's 3am,
you know what i'm sayin?
i'm missin the voice of the clock,
it's dead silent on a number that doesn't add up-
there's time left in our lives,
there's life left in these coffins,
but no sight in our eyes,
the mess looks better with the lights off.
baby it's 3 am,
you know what i'm sayin?
i'm depreciating with every toss that i turn from one side of
this empty existence to the other,
restless mint on your pillow,
i need to drink something from your fountain,
i need to ride you, my shooting star fallen from
a lost heaven.
'because the night belongs to lovers'
baby it's 3am,
you know what i'm sayin?
i'm waiting for the laundry to dry,
with nothing but a fortune magazine for comfort-
i'm on my last pair of white socks and
pink panties,
on my last set of wings
that i need you to stain.
baby, it's 3am, you know what i'm sayin.
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