this is not a poem
waking up late to reality
is sometimes harder
harder and harder
then a boner
u use to stroke
after great worlds
called dreams, called shots
in shadow hope, hopeless..
till the work week made u
forget about pleasure
short dresses, short span
life fuse
Until one stops caring
or cares less
it can be consuming
when dreams and reality
inner mix
on the de railed train
crumpled up map
in new towns
at some job
midgets, books, white haired grandma goatees,
empty complimentary coffee, Iranian college Kurds,
credit cards, babies, apartments, broken english, bright lights
lysol smelling bathrooms, Shakespeare, all the
authors, dostesky, poe, miller, mailer, fitzgerald,
Hemingway.. rimbaud….balzac…not to mention
.. forget it/…ginsburgers..
Faces, looks, smiles, pay checks.. tears..
writers, to many writers.
I hate reading.….
To many people, to many
the ones with no
are the
ones shelved in my mind
waking up
wanting to
to sleep again
this wasn't a poem
This poem Copyright 2001 Nicholas Morgan.
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