"To be nobody but myself; in a world which is doing it's best night and day to make me everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting."
--e. e. cummings
B. M. Bradley's voice is the gritty, hardened, pained voice of the street poet; his subjects are sex, violence, and the despair of the poor. He uses stark, straightforward language to express humor, terror, and a sensitivity toward human relations that is often absent in the works of more formal poets. Bradley's work is frequently both comforting in its warmth and nauseating in its intensity.
Bradley is a heavily tattooed forty-two year old recovering addict living and working in the Los Angeles area. His hobbies and interests include the Discovery channel, A&E, poetry, music, sex, motorcycles and writing. His work as writer is greatly influenced by twenty-five years of active drug addiction, sex, and petty crime. Such experiences have given him his own unique voice and point of view as a writer. We have two interviews with him, one from 1999 and one from 1998. You can also check out his site, Wanton, or drop him a line at wanton@wanton.com.
B. M.'s works here at Unlikely Stories are:
July 1999 - July 2000: | |
Kiss | 1 |
Hyper-Boil | Crawling |
Red | Cocksuckers |
Storyboard | Time |
Points | That Walk |
Dancer |