Dancing Bear's poems are so soft and subtle that the word "silent" comes to mind. Slow and sad, they tell introspective tales of love gone bad and romanticism lost, using the most simple, direct images available. We are proud to present several of his poems at this site.
Dancing Bear is of Chippewa and Swedish ancestry. He lives in the San Francisco bay area. His poems, art interviews, reviews and photographs have been published in many journals, including New York Quarterly, Zuzu's Petals Quarterly, Slipstream, Rio Grande Review, Pearl, Poetry Motel, Nerve Cowboy, New Thought Journal, Haight Ashbury Literary Review, Papyrus, El Dorado Review, To Topio, Urban Spaghetti, Dirigible, Bluff, Rattle, and Gravity. He is Editor-In-Chief of the on-line magazine Disquieting Muses and the 1999 winner of the Mind Fire Chapbook Contest for his manuscript Blue Hand. Dancing Bear is the host of a weekly poetry show "Out of Our Minds" for public supported KKUP 91.5 FM in Cupertino, CA. You can check out his web page at http://value.net/~dbear or write to him at dbear@value.net.
Dancing Bear's works here at Unlikely Stories are:
The Cover of Her Notebook
Taking the Stud Home
The Cover of Her Notebook was first published in Nerve Cowboy. Taking the Stud Home was first published in Mainstreet Rag.
July 1999 - July 2000:
Brian's Mom
Moving Day
God Business
Menthol Cigarettes
Michael Madsen
Ridin' the Road to Hell