"To me, poetry should always be about language and imagery in as few words as possible. A good poem should be skeletal."
In his quote above, Steve Caratzas talks about word economy, and the greatest feat of his poetry is to use a very few words to tell a joke, keep us laughing, and promptly blindside us with the seriousness of his message. Using comical, often outrageous, backdrops, he expresses horror and inhumanity with tools more commonly seen in the hands of a stage comic, but put to more powerful use here.
Steve says, "My work has been published by New School University's DIAL Magazine. I have worked as a legal proofreader, financial journalist and dot.com content strategist. I spent 15 years playing guitar in a dozen or so New York-based rock bands. I have been inspired by the work of William S. Burroughs, Lou Reed, and David Lynch." Drop him a line at stevecaratzas@yahoo.com.
Steve's works here at Unlikely Stories are:
Of Pleasing Odor to the Lord
Enchanting Dachau
Later Has Passed, Never Just Started
Memo from the Graverobbers' Society
The Tyrant Unmasked
Catching Up with Frankenstein
Tattoo #7, 1995
Percodan Dreams