To Carolyn Ogburn's page
To Margo Solod's Page
To Carolyn Ogburn and Margo Solod's next piece
What You’ve Taught Me About Temperature
Scientists have determined
that the temperature of cold
is warmer than it was, their calculations
to determine wind chill have been updated
to reflect, presumably, a smarter conflagration
of data. The facts, you said,
are flexible. Logical.
Looking at you then, something
in me broke apart, shattered
into shards of realization. Facts
are flexible, and the logic of obsession
is not subject to mere science. I measure
the temperature of my last night with you
in mercury, it’s a photograph: the data
found there less useful than the numbers
I collate from our bodies, add the flush that rises
just above your breasts to my speeding pulse,
subtract the measure of your silence
and divide by the seer weight
of my inability to put my feelings into a language
you are able to decipher –
the result is far colder
than the mercury would lead us to believe.
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