by Olde English, September 2005
Moving along with the Unlikely 2.0 theme of interspecies romance, Leaf explores the friendships that can arise between members of different evolutionary kingdoms.
Building on the Past
by Justin Cone, August 2005
In 2004, Building on the Past was awarded first prize in the Creative Commons' Moving Images Contest. It has since been distributed around the world in an effort to raise awareness about Creative Commons and the stifling intellectual property restrictions associated with U.S. copyright law.
by Desciple, July 2005
A comedic short featuring eternal damnation.
Patches the Horse
reprinted June 2005
in which the journalistic standards of Unlikely 2.0 soar to new heights.
Marking the Second Year of U.S. Occupation in Iraq
by Eric Blumrich, May 2005
A powerful series of recent images.
Strawberry Spring
by Andrei Bakhurin, April 2005
This horror music video was HipClip of the Week at I Want My Flash TV and Animation Magazine.
Hearts in the Highlands, Episode One
by Brent Parker, March 2005
Yet more interspecies romance. With a creepier soundtrack than the last one.
Foot Fetish
by Michael Medaglia, January 2005
Someone in this film is having fun, but I'm not entirely sure who. The audience, presumably.
Good Boy
by Oz Thomas, December 2004
Just in time for Christmas, a short immorality play.
Dead End Days: Episode 15
November 2004
You might think that life after the humans and zombies make peace would be easy, but it’s just not so.
Keep Your Jesus Off My Penis
by Eric Schwartz, October 2004
No need for a byline. You know you're going to click it.
There She Is
by SamBakZa, September 2004
Is the world ready for interspecies romance?
Hey Hey 16k
by Rob Manuel and MJ Hibbert, August 2004
We're Gen-Xers, and this is a Gen-X movie, that probably won't make a lick of sense to anyone older or younger. Why did we publish it? Because we're Gen-Xers, man. That's just the sort of stuff we do.
Thanks for the Memories
by Eric Blumrich, July 2004
You DO realize that Saddam is and has always been an employee of the U.S. Government?
The Beat Generation
by Dan Meth, June 2004
A lighthearted look at the only lifestyle worth faking.
by Alek Wasilewski, June 2004
So you think you know fear?