Editors' Notes

Maria Damon and Michelle Greenblatt
Jim Leftwich and Michelle Greenblatt
Sheila E. Murphy and Michelle Greenblatt

A Visual Conversation on Michelle Greenblatt's ASHES AND SEEDS with Stephen Harrison, Monika Mori | MOO, Jonathan Penton and Michelle Greenblatt

Letters for Michelle: with work by Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, Jeffrey Side, Larry Goodell, mark hartenbach, Charles J. Butler, Alexandria Bryan and Brian Kovich

Visual Poetry by Reed Altemus
Poetry by Glen Armstrong
Poetry by Lana Bella
A Eulogic Poem by John M. Bennett
Elegic Poetry by John M. Bennett
Poetry by Wendy Taylor Carlisle
A Eulogy by Vincent A. Cellucci
Poetry by Vincent A. Cellucci
Poetry by Joel Chace
A Spoken Word Poem and Visual Art by K.R. Copeland
A Eulogy by Alan Fyfe
Poetry by Win Harms
Poetry by Carolyn Hembree
Poetry by Cindy Hochman
A Eulogy by Steffen Horstmann
A Eulogic Poem by Dylan Krieger
An Elegic Poem by Dylan Krieger
Visual Art by Donna Kuhn
Poetry by Louise Landes Levi
Poetry by Jim Lineberger
Poetry by Dennis Mahagin
Poetry by Peter Marra
A Eulogy by Frankie Metro
A Song by Alexis Moon and Jonathan Penton
Poetry by Jay Passer
A Eulogy by Jonathan Penton
Visual Poetry by Anne Elezabeth Pluto and Bryson Dean-Gauthier
Visual Art by Marthe Reed
A Eulogy by Gabriel Ricard
Poetry by Alison Ross
A Short Movie by Bernd Sauermann
Poetry by Christopher Shipman
A Spoken Word Poem by Larissa Shmailo
A Eulogic Poem by Jay Sizemore
Elegic Poetry by Jay Sizemore
Poetry by Felino A. Soriano
Visual Art by Jamie Stoneman
Poetry by Ray Succre
Poetry by Yuriy Tarnawsky
A Song by Marc Vincenz

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"[sort]," "[sort]," and "[sort]"
by Mark Cunningham, August 2013
'Just when she thought it was safe to say, "Well, I'll be felt up by a Japanese business man on a crowded train." Obscurely rigid. "Like space, when you think too long about the distances of the stars."'

"Phototarian Moon," "Enter the Canyon Running," and "We Come with Light"
by Dan Raphael, August 2013
"how 5 inches changes everything—half a head, gravitic multiplication,
another tree without tracks, a banana skin filed with blazing butter light
faster than its own name in a thunderstorm of adjectives
open the flesh to free the salt—last week the clouds were celibate O"

Edie Sedgwicks #10, #9, and #11
by Kyle Hemmings, August 2013
"How to describe my father?
Well, I'd say that at night,
he grows amazing superpowers
& he's darker than an urge
that forgets itself
then subverts the masquerade ball."

"pain symphony quotidian," "The recipe for Zero / Scream:," and "meiosis dilated destroyed"
by Peter Marra, August 2013
"she walked them down
the stone steps
holding the leashes of 4 dogs
her neck encircled with 4 onyx collars."

'Streetboy, please What I need is a thousand tiny,' 'I deactivate the fake blood in your arm,' and 'Me I loved him well He glitterbombed the trees'
by Alban Fischer, August 2013
"Streetboy, please  What I need is a thousand tiny
kinfolk to point me toward the nougaty epi-
center of mine own heart  I hear there's a trailer
park there where my tiny electronic voice lives"

"How to Build a Good Woman," "This is a List of," and "Thomas's Daughter"
by Hanna Elson, August 2013
"Cutter Mondo—boy and his sheet, his
     stacks of books, his flavored
     cigarettes, his girl singers."

"saws and serrated sexualities," "and Sylvia, predictably predicated," and "silence or a burden"
by David McLean, August 2013
"and here is cold and boredom,
all the inadequate secular sexualities
night has given the dead children
pretending to be special"

"The Long Journey Back," "Fronting the Ocean," and "Cold War Revival"
by Vernon Frazer, August 2013
"tracing the past frontier westward
go the wagons hoe-trenched muster
not included in the latest gasp
or fractured humor of the telling"

Studio Work, Pater Noster, and Unaccustomed as I Am"
by Sheila E. Murphy, August 2013
"The risen take their cue
from legendary piety
sudsing in the aftermath
of vows presumed still true."

Three Visual Poems by Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
August 2013
Jukka-Pekka Kervinen is a Finnish composer, writer and visual artist.

Four Visual Poems by Spencer Selby
August 2013
Spencer Selby has performed his work in many North American cities and in Europe. He is the author of nine poetry books, five visual compilations and two books on film noir. He currently lives in Ames, Iowa.

Four Visual Poems by Reed Altemus
August 2013
Reed Altemus is a polyartist known for his xerography but also as a visual poet and long-time mail art practicioner. His work has appeared in over 25 magazines since 2002. In his spare time, he enjoys ice cream and the music of Alvin Curran.

Four Visual Poems by John M. Bennett
August 2013
John M. Bennett has published over 400 books and chapbooks of poetry and other materials. He has published, exhibited and performed his word art worldwide in thousands of publications and venues. He was editor and publisher of Lost and Found Times (1975-2005), and is Curator of the Avant Writing Collection at The Ohio State University Libraries.

Ampersand Sutra
by mIEKAL aND, August 2013
mIEKAL aND lives outside the constraints of academia in the most lush and rural part of the unglaciated Driftless area of southwest Wisconsin. Choosing to focus on creating wilderness and abundance surrounded by the perfect setting for limitless imagination his course of action includes demonstrating alternatives to inbred aesthetics, delighting in the play of DIY culture, and making art and writing that is both anarchic and noisy.

"On the Mountainside" and "The Doors"
by Jeff Harrison, April 2013
"th-e doors / closed
the third time a year later—
they've long p-ersis-ted,
have / the doors"

"driving past the accident" and "forks in the road"
by Justin Hyde, April 2013
slumped over
in the passenger seat
of a gray truck
church on my left"

"The Felines," "To Do List," and "Broadway Chimes"
by Jay Passer, April 2013
"Look for new place to live on Craigslist
Shave face and manicure eyebrows
Kali's in town
Go see Chumpy Joe about theater piece
Call the old man in his decrepitude and senility"

Excerpts from After Swann
by Marthe Reed, April 2013
'that look of sorrow
she pretended
saying "my" and "mine"'

"Strip Monopoly," "Sea Isle City, 2013" and "Riverlet: Letterun"
by Kelley Jean White, April 2013
"Awaiting fifteen,
sour-sweet, desired: mingled
hennaed palms and tender belly,
hidden mandala, forgotten eye."

"A Poem for the Needy," "Postmodern Chimp on Patrol," and "Zoo"
by Joseph Robert, April 2013
"I act out the kids up-thrown arms, imitate his absent soprano scream,
Of course we leave out the part about him pissing his pants,
Because the leukemia got the better of him, 3 (or 4?) summers back,
After they laugh, and I say 'ahhh, Ritchie,' we sit in silence..."

"The recipe for Zero / Scream," "without toys," and "plastic dreams of the skin effect"
by Peter Marra, April 2013
"confessions were bargained for.
the afternoons of the blind and the helpless
running circular around each
other touching fingertips together
whistling in the fog"

"State of the Union," (I), (II), and (III)
by Susan Lewis, April 2013
"Or last elastic factotum, + his fearless flaws. With those weisenheimer eyes of clay, cries of fire, lies of ire. & other bloody Boers. Boring into the motherlode with bloodlust, glee, & comradely corruption. Lest we drub him with fireworks & snare drums, extensions & assignations."

"Cabin Fever," "going home doesn't mean home is where it used to be," and "We Are the Detritus of the Stars"
by Marc Thompson, April 2013
"kill the rich,
put cut flowers on the table,
fuck our family members and friends
neighbors and total strangers,
Twitter and shovel snow:"

"Love Has Been Liquidated: Volume 2"
by John Bryan, March 2013
"Love Has Been Liquidated: Volume 2" is a 66-section choose-your-own-adventure A Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, even role-playing prose poem, based primarily on chain letters and the horrible things that happen as a result of making any decision, ever.

"Alien Classified"
by Larry Goodell, February 2013
"They come & get me over & over. All I have to do is close my eyes & become part of things. It gives me a nose bleed some times. It's that old black magic. I don't see voodoo dolls when they take me away, they are voodoo dolls and they're trying to turn me into one of them."

"Exiting on Map Screen"
by Tasha Klein, February 2013
"This light-shape,                perfectly lean. We

press against it with our chins.

Sometimes we text details:"

"Beyond Death" and "She Sang on National T.V"
by Brenton Booth, February 2013
"and I think about the girl last Saturday night chasing away
the other girls from me "HE'S MY BOYFRIEND!!!" she yelled
at a blonde who kissed me without even an introduction—
though come Monday wouldn't even answer a phone call."

"Becoming" and "Dissatisfaction"
by John Grey, February 2013
"She wakes
and light is equal to the task.
The dark gets out from under,
is exposed by deepening glances."

Three rhythm:s by Felino A. Soriano
February 2013
"ovals enhanced in the bone density of
muscular rejoice the
optimism of chain dispositional

"Snapshot: Democracy," "Affection Pockets, Warm Holds" and "A Room of What's Left"
by Belinda Subraman, February 2013
"Starch stiffened angels
above a captured pose,
mirrored drawers with beaded knobs,
lovebirds of museum glass,
a wooden trunk of dreams lived."

"The Spaceman's Journal," "Record of the Flower War," and "Sonnet Describing Temporary Acts of Magic Performed in the Early 21st Century
by Rudolfo Carrillo, February 2013
"Some viruses down there with tentacled lightning bolts inside of them and when the alarm goes off I think they might be evolving auditory capabilities too, but am convinced otherwise when I realize iron church bells and their digital analogs are human creations. There is also some type of ocean still spread out here and there, but it seems hot and bubbly through the telescope..."

"Gods," "Dark Father," and "The West"
by Zoë Etkin, February 2013
"My father swathed in black
cotton, locked in a block of ice
To the outside he is all color
paint-swirled canvas"

"The Prophet of Whimsey"
by Joseph Robert, February 2013
"(Really all the worst things in life, in an être de mise, general sense) are really profound, in a metaironical, semiotic, parabolic, like way, if fictionalized as an omni-dimensional character/mental disorder golem, Let's Call Him Todd, (seriously that's his given name, mom was nuts) who ironically, un-ironically enjoys Trix is for kids breakfast cereal, as he gives an exegesis of Kant's COPR (1788) w/r/t bowling a 300 game"

"the surge (hurricane sandy) —"
by Steve Dalachinsky, December 2012
"water gurgle a bass moan
of tree (bird)
where did she go - bird
rhythm asymmetric
baby/cry mimicry / trommmpeta"

"mimicry-," "stitch-," and "abounding-"
by Michael Mc Aloran, December 2012
"spun dead
but one/ lock-alack/...

(silent as...
     wavering of...)"

"[quantum]," "[quantum]," and "[quantum]"
by Mark Cunningham, December 2012
"I have to drink enough to pass out before I meet anybody new, and then we get along just fine. He remained unmolified by her explanation that she couldn't have meant her description of him as "the barking void at the center of creation" literally, since voids can't bark."

"it was night," "married to the sea," and "generalized nightmare"
by David McLean, December 2012
"here comes memory, married to the sea
like Lars Frederiksen, maybe,
and turning tricks for history
where time lives its silent night"

"Cunt," "Cucumbers," and "Mustache"
by Lyn Lifshin, December 2012
"I was thinking
of it this
morning, those
marvelous hairs that
curl around your words"

"Of the Gone Woman," "Because We Love," and "Dream of Sudden Water"
by Clare L. Martin, December 2012
"Black and white,
             you are vagrant
                         in a still picture,

             scarred daughter
             of a bitter moon."

"cherry street grocery store poem," "ted berrigan's birthday party," and "poem for my 35th birthday"
by John Dorsey, December 2012
"but i've been there
so i eat my own words
before they ever leave my throat
just wishing i had something
to wash them down with"
