Jeff Weddle

Jeff Weddle

Jeff Weddle feels the walls closing in. He looks forward to someday again breathing the fresh, clean air of a sane and safe America, though he is not foolish enough to hold his breath. He is the author of eleven books, most recently Good Party (Poetic Justice Books, 2020). Unlikely Books published his Citizen Relent in 2018. Jeff won the 2007 Eudora Welty Prize for Bohemian New Orleans: The Story of the Outsider and Loujon Press (UPress of Mississippi). Like most everyone, he is past ready for this hell to end.

in some small book
no one will ever read
there is a poem
written about you

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like silly promises
of love and always
in the vast and hungry
burning night.

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the people arguing
and the people asleep on benches
and some saw it coming
and thought they could fix things or hide
maybe escape

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Keep it close
to the bone, boy.
Keep the blade busy.
You were never
going to be their darling
so what have you got to lose?

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