Anna Sujatha Mathai

Anna Sujatha Mathai is an Indian poet who now lives in New Delhi. She has also lived in England and, more briefly, in the U.S. She has five Collections of Poetry in English. They have been anthologized, translated into various Indian and European languages, and she has read them at various venues, in India, England and Struga. She has a short Novel, Shueli's Star, which is being serialised on StrandsLitsphere, and a few of her short stories have been published in Indian Literature, The Times of India, etc. This year, the Feminist Group, WOMEN EMPOWERED, awarded her with The First Kamala Das Poetry Prize.
This is daylight robbery, I thought grimly. I hated bullying of any kind, and threw the door open: “How dare you kick my door like that? You’ll break it.”