Bradford Middleton

Bradford Middleton lives in Brighton, UK. Recent poems have featured at Mad Swirl, Fixator Press, Stink Eye Magazine, Beatnik Cowboy and in the ‘Rebel Anthology’ from Back Room Poetry. His most recent chapbook, ‘The Whiskey Stings Good Tonight…’ was published early 2023 by the Alien Buddha Press.
They requested that I proof-read
Some poetry that they were
Planning on publishing and
As a poet I always write by
The rule that one should never
Edit, let alone re-write,
All those slam poets
Convinced we live in
A ghetto by the sea
Must have been dreaming
After their initial greetings Frank turned the subject very quickly to that of drugs, and more pertinently whether James knew of somewhere he could get him something to help this impending madness stop, a little smoke to help ease his mind off to some much-needed sleep.