Drew Pisarra

Drew Pisarra is the author of two poetry collections (Periodic Boyfriends, and Infinity Standing Up), two short story collections (You're Pretty Gay, and Publick Spanking) and two radio plays (The Strange Case of NIck M., and Price in Purgatory).
Once inside, I quickly got a feel for my surroundings. It smelled awful. Like something had died and rotted in here. The floor was sticky and there was no way I was going to sit in that chair. I wanted to get his over with.
Ever nightmare through a night out, ever
lose some major coin, ever slot machine
past Mr. Right (or Mr. Whomever)
before cuddling up to Mr. Mean?
I never sleep. Not since I was six. When I had this dream which for some people might have been a revelation. But frankly there was nothing unusual about it. You’ve probably heard it all before. This procession of images. I was a small light flying around in space. But there were no stars, there were no planets. There was only direction and speed.