Heikki Huotari

Heikki Huotari, on a hunger strike in opposition to the war in Vietnam, was court-martialled for refusing to eat. Since retiring from academia/ mathematics he has published more than 400 poems in literary journals, including Pleiades, Spillway, the American Journal of Poetry and Willow Springs, and in six chapbooks and six collections. He has won one book and two chapbook prizes. His Erdős number is two. Heikki recommends Planned Parenthood.
I'm barely able in a dream to juggle, as if in a steaming jungle, as if underwater. Swept by ten, by ten a.m. and by ten men, the data mine bears profane fruit. What causes blue hallucinations and has wheels.
The answer is: may plasma be a state of nature, may my aisle be flooded with fluorescence, may there be a balm in Gilead and may there be an inferential estimate in each machine.