James Cole

James Cole is a poet, author, filmmaker, and scientist based out of Charlottesville, VA. His written work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies including Winged Nation, Voice Lux, Artemis Journal, and Vita Brevis’ Pain and Renewal. In 2016 he won The Gallery poetry prize and in 2017 he was a semifinalist for the VWC’s Golden Nib Award. James’ first poetry collection, Crow, come home, was released by VerbalEyze Press in 2019. In addition to his writing, James is a community organizer for the Live Poets Society, a judge for the national Poetry Out Loud competition, founder of the Charlottesville Poetry Critique Circle, and an instructor at Writerhouse.
I play the fox with Mad King George
with thrice sent hells to damn the gorge
with bottle rockets crotched inside
that one-man-show you all mile-highed