Ken Edward Rutkowski

Ken Edward Rutkowski is an artist/ writer living in Vung Tau, Vietnam. While in Asia, he has traveled around Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Borneo and Thailand. He is a contributing writer with Mad Swirl and more of his work can be found in Tofu Ink Arts Press, Scapegoat Review, Fiction International, The New Post-literate, The Fiction Pool, High Shelf Press, The Beatnik Cowboy, The Journal of Experimental Fiction and Booooooom. Ken recommends Viet Dreams.
I am an intensely rational person My average walk Sometimes nationality comes in the form of deception Absorbed in logical problems purely mental Just figuring so fear comes around grabbing you back over do you hear no sound
the sun drives the weary away deliverance from absolute forgiveness into the madness of the mind surely I am already born a man on this Earth so how is it possible that I have never gone mad?
my eyes never healed so I may see it all and that I never forget there are those who could use a hand with alms a line we’re human beings for Christs’ sake and some of us are not at home but we’re still here.