Thomas M. McDade

Thomas M. McDade is a 75-year-old resident of Fredericksburg, Virginia, previously Connecticut and Rhode Island. He is a graduate of Fairfield University in Connecticut. McDade is twice a U.S. Navy Veteran serving ashore at the Fleet Anti-Air Warfare Training Center, Virginia Beach and at sea aboard the USS Mullinnix (DD-944) and USS Miller (DE / FF-1091). His fiction recently has recently appeared in Spitball and Twixt & Twain.
“Watering roses is a lazy job no Caucasian would ever stoop to,” Harold announced. He was the least qualified man on the planet to preach on lazy. I could beat him digging a tree planting hole, teaspoon to shovel. His height and stride mirrored the Frankenstein monster. I'd never met a Mexican in person.
I concluded that this 48-year throwback was rife with free form: some events would be the same, some not.