slier floe  ,,
ra(w)mous bramble  ,,
unblenched neap ,,
balloonish idiom  ,,
aerial chuzzle  ,,

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And so
some dreams will merely be delayed a year,
some dreams will be realized ahead of schedule,
some dreams will be deferred, perhaps permanently,

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I play the fox with Mad King George
with thrice sent hells to damn the gorge
with bottle rockets crotched inside
that one-man-show you all mile-highed

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I paint my shoes
a new color
every time the town
​burns down

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Compulsory education continues
nonstop, over eons, at the heart
of the genome. Failure is not
an option, but a resounding
​scarcity of incidence and resilience.

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                          they gowned only ink &
ink haunts their hands yet, never so tremulous &
literary as when cherubs're
                                     smeared between'm,
                                     & you, too-

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Oceans boiling up bubbling disintegrating into 
Large lakes of nucleic lava
​Swathes of humanity displaced into oblivion 

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cause resilience is fertile, imbued to bursting
without braking, so much a skin can hold on its surface
waiting for the next waft or rivulet, where air and water
co-fervesce, no need to separate the crystals from the solution,
curdling is just one way:  engage   marry    ferment    and proliferate

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libido badgers
dissemble their bleary hypotenuse
​              in conversational storage

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The land, to their amazement, seemed to constantly rearrange itself in wild new patterns of rage and decay. On the border, they saw small brown children languishing in lockups. On city streets, they saw young black men in police chokeholds begging for breath.

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face naked at a corona hoax party
in a negative pressure tent with some beautiful tests
​in a bout of magical thinking by an open mass grave

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no matter what
dear viewer
there must always be 
a horse race
Yankees fight back
​in late innings

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And aren’t you and your friends undismayed, standing there,
nose-to-helmet, pressing back American History
and the cops, dressed-for-a riot, or a high school play.
Maybe you wished for just a little hollering and shoving,

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(This isn’t a poem.
it’s a Scream, Scream, Scream.
Which now is a murderous trap
once that was his foremost impulse,
collapsed like laid
​out playing cards.

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1984, I think: 
heroin was king, 
crack was coming in. 
A strange word called AIDS.  
Soviet Union downfall hadn’t happened yet.  

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But forgive me if I see clearly,
And underline the fact, that what
Did not matter might have mattered,
And that this deafness is still full of single
​And irrefutable caustically crystal notes.

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It is getting to be a little bit
too much. Things are getting
a bit out of hand. I do not
want to make excuses. Life
is getting the best of me.

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I take pleasure in seeing how cities disappear,
how streets, parks, names get deleted, how
my denial washes even the holiest gardens away.
I mock the mountains: Can you see?
What tiny mounds you all are, if I want you to be so.

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Since the war began,
nothing tastes the same,
neither my mother’s soup,
nor my granny’s sponge cake,
​but the taste of snow didn’t change at all.

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but there's a guy I know
who scribbles words on paper
and believes, in his heart,
that it's the best thing ever written,
that there's a great author
eating bourbon chicken on rice

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make a solar contribution
make curtains from a hemp parachute
one of those people with a lantern
dressing up like a llama

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And you, my ear of wood
separate floor and sky
floor from sky
and hear my sin as lack
on the midline

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The riot police’s armored vehicles
the                      apartheid  suicide of

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an empire reborn, or men of straw, or 
a form of ashes blown on the wind  
down corridors to arc once more 
or dissolve into nothing. 

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You say this city is a river. I say it’s a sea. You say no,
A river for its constancy, those slick coats
In a row and the daily shoop of dreams
Dipping into manholes. At least a river
Has direction, you say.

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hidden fault lines
under the eight-mile bridge
where gods spoke
through broken wine bottles

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Because they believe that water is mute
dikes and levies have been built
but water remains wet
​so dryness cannot be truth

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I see no plan
no justice in
any of this
and I no longer
accept the ineffable

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all artists are social redeemers
we are changing the world
with our six figure canvasses
we are enlightening millions
​with our xenophobic obscurity poetry

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Oblivious of her nakedness
she went racing through the
airport, shouting out that
they were adding weapons on

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Not see-through.
No hole in the cosmic tapestry.
A deep, honest blackness that will slowly drink you in.
Where you don't have to run, brother.

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she half-listens to me telling
how the numbers here and there
are rising, always rising
and i can see that she's
tuned me out, tuned out the math

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Such a Grand Wizard, 'tis rare.
Once in a lifetime, they say,
perhaps in all of history, says he.
Spoken like a true Grand Wizard.

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The failed dishonesty you call your lust
lives in the hollow carved out by your guilt.
Edges bleed where other edges meet them.
This battlefield is not without its charms,
till memory insists and meaning forms.

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