Yeah, we are all tired of stealing shoes from
Bowling alleys and
Doing donuts in the parking lot of another
Amazon Distribution Center.
So, what? Get up out of the cubicle,
Skittles, iced tea, unarmed. Seventeen years
old. Looks like he’s up to no good…he’s just star-
ing at me. Though cops tell Zimmerman to stay
in his truck, he gets out to find a stre-
et sign. Fox News anchors rave
here city of god meets
city of an other
and the broken husks
wash up on shore…
you can smell the stench
for miles down the beach
A woman posted online that she was glad her fertility was gone.
51 people liked that statement, while 97 were concerned.
“It’s like the drop of a roller coaster, you know
what’s coming, but the shock” says another woman.
Someone outside a homeless tent
asks for America's monarchy back.
Others want to post a red flag
on demands for democracy's foreclosure.
When my Dad
tells me my Uncle
is skipping the family reunion
so he can travel
to a Trump Rally in Pennsylvania
I hear coastal heat obliterates
thought all that Vitamin Dee
(or is it Deh)
makes you sleepy and you forget
about the color of the help
would the Supreme Court
rule in my favor
if I were to suggest
in this poem
2nd Amendment Solutions
They are taking children
from themselves and
away from their parents
to help build the wall.
We have the opportunity and indeed the responsibility to swing OUR DICKS AND DILDOS for the fences so that we can ensure Florida remains number one FOR ALL QUEERS, INCLUDING BIPOC AND TRANS FOLK.
Deep underground in a cave on the outskirts of Sanford Florida filled with the most high quality crime fighting equipment, a slurpee machine and an X-Box hooked to a massive television dedicated to playing nothing but Call of Duty
Headless poor unting nut nut not pooh unch nut headless nodding
pooch unning and pool unch the headless nut poot ut poon ut nut nut
nut nut nut nut nut nut nut nut do that now immediate pook ot no
no no spoo ace.!? Punk no poop unk poo unk poom unk poof unk poohah
would he rise from the comfort of his couch, throw open the flap of his tent and start his day, his sword at the ready but with no pretext to wield it, what if it happened
Threw up our tags from Kenmore Square to Harvard Square
Catching air off red bricks in “the Pit” till cops gave chase
Years later
The beer has not changed nor the attitude
Brothers, if I don’t live to see the day,
meaning, if I die before the face of bigotry,
take me to the desert and bury me
beside the border. For my headstone,
plant a barrel cactus, its thorns a reminder
I’d say this story is
true in our hearts, but
a drag queen actually
pulled a real one
out of a garbage bag
I thought that's what they wanted. They
mutter about me now. Behind the
mirrored window. I know what they say.
Here’s our current Winter spent in agony,
here’s our disrespected Sister, here is War
that mushrooms undiminished, glibly tears
our global Soul to slivers. And here We are;
I spread my arms wide open
amidst the snowfall,
and as if hit by a bullet,
I threw myself backwards
on a thick blanket of snow.
there is no world either, only perfect glances
gathered in hand like the stems of flowers;
like empty boots on a battlefield, standing
upright and waiting for rain, or thrown,
bloody with fleshy legs into a cart.
This poem is about Ron DeathSentence Florida man
He's come to screw you any way he can
Whatever you do don't say gay
Make all bad thoughts go away
If I must be armed, I’ll fit pink flowers
in each barrel, shoot petals in moonlit
massacres, the only howl
my own feral salute. If I must be armed
I’ll stow them all away in glacial cold,
The world thunders along, in denial of
Promises, rights and liberties
In its reversal of
Lie threadbare all egalitarian notions!
We are caught in now’s particulate,
terrain where our footprints, dim signs,
will tell a tale to other eyes,
if eyes erupt again in the infinite epic
When history gets bleached until White
Folks can see there is no truth in the light.
You might have heard the news -
DeSantis claims he can choose
What history about Blacks should be right.
Curiosity’s delay of 13.48 minutes
isn’t forever, but it’s enough.
Enough time for a man to choke
with a knee on his neck.
the critical race theory, and revisionist book bans
wondering what rabbit to pull out of what hat. The J. Edgar low men
in high places. They move in packs & cast long shadows, create
convenient terrorists, criminals, enemies, domestically and abroad.
I think about parts of the heart sticking to the ribs, imagine the coroner scraping the bones like they’re frenched lamb cutlets. Time is syrupy in isolation. There are no weekdays and weekends, just time passing.
I’m not bathing in blood, but it’s certainly not water, either, that covers my eyes and flirts with the edges of my nostrils.
Trying to light a wet cigarette
with a faltering match, and I wonder
if my readers are also living life in vain:
What happens when chaos becomes beautiful?
When the lightning falls,
when the old guard topples,
when the broken bell tolls
for the final time?
Li Qingzhao wandered lonely as a cloud
Emily Dickinson wandered lonely as a cloud
Virginia Woolf wandered lonely as a cloud
Marina Tsvetaeva wandered lonely as a cloud
once god becomes a weapon
there is no such thing as a war that
can be won
you fight just because it
feels so good to kill
Please be kind to strangers
Who hunker down in subplots
Where reckless voices almost blend
But most of us are still not allowed to attend