the limbs of his mind
the ligaments
of his argument
strained to the point
of spraining

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The rain hit hard today
not in a sexy way
but like my boyfriend was
mad at me. I felt the tension
when I pressed my erection
​against him, so I stole his car.

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Sneaks under shadows lurking
in corners ready to rear its head
folded in neat lab reports charting
white blood cells over edge running wild.

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This drives the pair of us ever into quarrelsome, awkward conflict; the incompatible impasse of our binary, opposite goals, frictions generating perpetually make for quotidian frustrations again and again.

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There was a time when I could paint without panicking. There were days in which birds flocked to the bird bath, splashing riotously together, a flurry of red and dull feathers. As they waited their turn, some of the birds read Bibles in the shade of the angel fire tree.

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Hidden horrors decades
old no longer
matter. Only now.
The Sphere of the Present.
All of us tangled
​together. A Rat King.

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there is madness in the iodine
buttercup mystery
an enigma of grayish-white
entrails or slice brains
without the blood

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We’ve done our part, you say,
as you use a dirty napkin
​to scrape up remains.

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So I gave it a different name.
A protrusion,  
an inconvenience,
a trifling, stifling,
​terrible turn of events

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of the blue
without asking
anything in return

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I will not force any words.
I will not use the word allocate,
too late. I have no image,
no brand, no reason to be
​someone I am not.

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Ravenous appetites on crushed boulders
In depths, immersed hues
Some oceans
​Topaz in bloodied hands.

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The computer-poets stand hushed
except for the faint hum
of their efficient fans,
​waiting for inspiration.

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Asylum seekers, will you recognize me among the mountain passes’ frozen corpses?
Can you identify me here among our Exodus’s exiled brothers?
We begged for shelter but they lashed us bare; consider our naked corpses.
​When they compel us to accept their massacres, do you know that I am with you?

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Ancient beasts come again to prove
We are not civilized
We are not advanced
We hungrily tear apart
That which we built

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No Donald, Israel, Hamas, no protests,
genocide, no slaughter in Ukraine.
No poetry, emails from friends, texts,
calls from the kids.
This, they’ve decided, will be a lot of nos.

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I think of Joseph Campbell saying: 
"That’s what people are doing 
all over the place, dying 
​for metaphors." 

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The orthodontist gets off on the torture
Provides wheelchairs to the victimized
Plus a lollipop but only lemon flavored.
He’s an old man, so old he just might’ve
Escaped that notorious scorched-earth regime

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I licked a stripe down my own skin, savoring the saltiness of
being human. We are creatures of the sea; my hands once
hauled me out of inky black water. I am not a creation myth.

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Remember no one's watching
everyone at once. 
All this past and present is yours 
if you do without 
​saying you are here

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When the page is the sum total of my nerve
Only then, I’ll feel great in my bones
By night’s arrival, which would eavesdrop on starlings
​If I let it count to zero

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Shake your father's pistol with its bump stock,
shake your old lady's purse at three a.m.,
shake a voodoo doll over your unwanted
daughter's crib. Shake your slurs and shake

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sent to chastise them for raping our Earth
and to either disabuse them of their ways
or to overthrow them all
before one tyrannical species is allowed
to completely annihilate the third planet from the sun.

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I am not a vampire, but I endlessly sleep in a coffin
Bloodless. I scare little girls
without even speaking. Stale swaths
of dirty hair are stuck inside my mouth

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I choose a rigid self-denial
from bourbon and curbside service.
Walking out for a drinks,
my doctor confessed to a taste for
​chain mail fetish and other men’s wives.

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We no longer need the Bill of Rights -
that was for the short guys,
we need a Patriot’s Act, and the fear of
terrorists who hate us for our superior characteristics, immigrants looking for a home.

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      just another voice
                 in Plato’s head
          screaming from the rafters
                           while the rest
               of the mad choir
      screws around in the cheap seats

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Where they are used, misused and abused,
Evan as they never fail
To kindle pleasures
And satiate base desires
Of their lords and masters

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Like a bomb hit it.  Controlled destruction
For want of a better word, for choice information
Raised above censure, published at will
​Blurring boundaries between now and otherwise.

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the name of the beast
or the number of his name
what’s at the center
but a big hole

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Polyps spawn on the lawns of
the State Capitol in Sacramento.
An annual event; but nobody
​bothers to count. Lots of guesses,

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each man given a sequence
that must be followed
until the meaning 
becomes obvious
and the light is found

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Ryōkan sd he never worked retail, but if he had
​— being a beggar is easier. 

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Wouldn’t it be awful were you to chance upon a fishbowl
in which your only daughter morphs into some mermaid?
How would you go about rescuing her? Would rescue be
​worth the pursuit? She would swim there freely in denial

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But those were empty meanderings, the
Solace of ruined moments and
Beatific outcomes, captured in thoriated
Aluminum cages, bound to the page with cheap tape

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under a bridge, under cardboard, or here at the limit exposed at one of the crossings around Hastings & Main, on pavement never ceded

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