germ gentrification
moves in hard,
black air for black lungs,
black water for black thirst
black plague for black neighborhoods
Provided they came
in fancy wrapping, the
German intellectual
of the interwar years
could perceive utility
the sun drives the weary away deliverance from absolute forgiveness into the madness of the mind surely I am already born a man on this Earth so how is it possible that I have never gone mad?
Snipers in the bushes of other people's eyelashes
A premature engagement ring on a severed finger of a severed hand
And everywhere there are faces faces faces
After linking the dominance of the world’s
shallow thinking to the arrogance of living in the present,
declaring the past irrelevant, and labeling the future
as taking care of itself, it is refreshing and comforting
to see someone complain that the world is unlovable
it makes me want to dance
and sing!
the way the comedian
tells the joke!
and everyone laughs and laughs
We were too late for God. Roots like fingers gripping white buckling sky. This summer it is order that cramps the ancient wheat, crows that slash with departure air thick with the annihilation of love.
How terribly strange to be impregnated
by an uncle, a father, a neighbor,
a teacher, a doctor.
Remaining silent at 17,
carrying the attack,
he sprayed weed killer
on your roses.
It was to prove a theory –
chemicals don’t discriminate.
The rest of this story has to be in someone else’s hand. I’m not brave enough to write out all this sadness. This story has to be turned away from any beautiful dread, from any sexy alarm, from excuses, from the biochemical shell game.
bloody hurricane to surgical
light psalm for this scalpel
gutting from cutis
nerve from fascia
He loved the film
about the writer that
didn't write anymore,
just drank to excess
every day. He had
given up writing for
the bottle as well.
I do remember a huge
bird dancing on the crown of my head
when I couldn’t tell air from water.
By the way,
did you know that the stars are rootless
As their ranks dwindled a pile grew, and he sat vigil upon its promontory cross-legged like a yogi, assured those who’d successfully escaped his clutches would not send aid for them cornered remaining.
One woman obsessively checked herself in the mirror for worrying signs that she was developing an archaic hour-glass figure. When I opened my mouth to speak, it was like I had raised the lid of a music box.
Nobody knows where they were
any such day, night, or why. I summon the high
literature of motiveless malignity.
Six succulent
cheap thrills on a doily, rearranged.
Because as child after child falls into the world, someone has to catch them, wrap them up in donkey skin, and coax them into the feverish ballroom that only opens its doors once in every lifetime.
Now, 20 years later, boots and scars remain.
Officers, official allegations. The
Oval Office, a space ___ miles from on the ground operations.
Orders incite disorder.
of sink dwellers pondering
the mighty zoot suit scuba diving
machine guns
Gods men worshiped and obeyed
Gods men comforted, stood in awe of, adored
God’s men committed murder for, ravaged countries for, destroyed cities for
Gods men created by men for men.
Festus races into the wet street, skittering on flats strapped up to his thighs with pink ribbons. The gleaming penis lights up the puddles and the wet asphalt like a disco with a dark grey ceiling as it bounces back and forth across his thighs.
Spelled out so clearly
like I’m begging, and you’re on the receiving end,
and god damn isn’t this enough, Taylor?
Gathering like a herd of elephants
senior citizens flock to Florida, initiate
death rituals, determine how to live out
remaining days while negating
a woman’s right to healthcare and choice.
The populists might tell me to leave the city, especially if I’m in their city. In fact, they might tell me to leave the electrical grid altogether, but why should I live off the grid?
I walk along the street on a Sunday, and a neighbor in a purple
collared t-shirt and black dress pants comes out of his house and
beeps his car. I say, Good morning, how ya doing, as one does,
and he says, Good mornin’ sweetheart. I’m off to fight the Devil.
The gang sent a message to say
Her family would die if she stayed
Due to executive order,
When they reached the border
Her children were taken away
Keep them employed:
the village watchmen,
the police, the defenders,
the prosecutors, the judges,
the prison guards, the chaplains . . .
It’s easy to say “Fuck Florida”
because of the Christians who like big sweaty fake tits
and wear t-shirts and hats to emphasize their enthusiasm,
but on a bridge made entirely out of glued dimes
they’ll sign off on murdering a gay couple
O Berlin, with its typical trashy European outskirts, the denkmal in honor of the victory in the Franco-Prussian War über alles, the former East's surveillance tower truly über alles, graffiti everywhere, NAZI RAUS, mustardy and fudgy dogshits
Apathy, bow-tied and looking the other way, rarely speaks up, but points out that, just getting on with your life is probably the most prodigious path.
O wretched state! O bosom,
black as death! previous to the previous,
of our blood in the caravans.
Mayo Clinic says
a woman has a shorter urethra
than a man, giving bacteria
a quicker trip to the bladder.
They cannot put up with
How undiagnosable you are
How timidly loud you can be
How effortlessly you slip from the straitjacket