'birds come home from,' 'what the tear hides,' 'Animal bodies.,' and 'This poem smells blue'
birds come home from
paradise and sing songs
the silence recedes
what the tear hides
spring is playing hide and seek
а winter feeling creeps into my heart
а tear freezes and doesn't dry up
inside the child the wizard dies
and becomes an adult
Animal bodies.
Kittens, bunnies, piglets, puppies, ducklings, babies, human babies.
Well, just grace!
And still –
forcemeat in the city market.
This poem smells blue
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The color of wrinkles in the sky
Black shapes in clear water
This verse will be picked up by crows in the morning
And they will be thrown from heaven
On icy concrete heart rocks
All in vain

Mykyta Ryzhykh is an author from Ukraine who now lives in Tromsø, Norway. He was nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2023 and 2024, and has been published many times in literary magazines in Ukrainian and English.