Flux Me Fast and Slow
In Finnegans Wake, Joyce declared war in language, on language and by language, invading English with a barrage of dozens of other tongues, powered by feelings of love and laughter, “erotic magick,” comedy and cunning. As a post Joycean lingua-erotic celebratory intervention, of love, laughter, passion and haunting, (based on Joyce’s 1904 letters to Nora), Flux Me not only s’creams within this liminal space between langue and longing, but also crucially underscores how for McLuhan, the poet dislocates language into meaning, smashes open the doors of perception and interventively undoes aspects of patriarchal hierarchy.
In George Maciunas,’ 1963, Fluxus Manifesto, the word “flux” simultaneously means to “Purge”, “Tide” and “Fuse”. And as such, Flux Me also urges one to:
PURGE the world of bourgeois sickness, “intellectual,”
Professional and commercialized culture, PURGE the
world of dead art, imitation, artificial art, abstract art,
illusionistic art, mathematical art, -- PURGE the world
of Europanism! Promote a revolutionary flood and TIDE
in art. Promote living art, anti-art! Promote non art reality
to be grasped by all peoples, not only critics, dilettantes
and professionals. FUSE the cadres of cultural, social &
political revolutionaries into united front and action.
Situating itself in the fecund limit between accumulation, appropriation, translations, citation, mysteries and sophistry, Flux Me enacts how polyvalent subversion defies mastery -- and through a philo-political-socio-gendered-lingua-erotics, this ineradicable uncircumnavigable ineluctable equivocation, enacts a playful invitation and permission -- whose “yes,” a “yes” of mad affirmation, assent, consent, alliance, secrets, allegiance, gifts, grifts, oaths; a hypermnesic unleashing countersigned in the affirmation of memory.
Flux me, darling, in as many ways as your alas will suggest. Flux me dripping in your full ardor costumed with unravelling; in the curved tender of split slits surfeits straddling across my logos in the frill of disclosure. Wrap me in the quick-sticky up-sifts of your cannot; over the bluster of surface. Flux me naked with your haunted rocking all synchronous, sinuous succulent valleys of frisson’s filial flummox. Flux me in your doused dawn with nothing on but serial censures of ripening thirst; pulsing pliés plaised pulling me atop of the cushioned able. Flux me into your always, as i lay on your buttered eros sluiced loose purring with porous ardor; slippery aplomb. Flux me if you can, corseted with your swelling slung hung donning melliflua like a flirty flexicon snaked in its comeuppance. Flex me in the strung darkness, like a noon-maiden with sordid abjure, unbuttoning arousal in bracken pastures as i slip you into my florid fiddling with shirk-shuddered folly pooling gently with upslurp sips a burgeoning ballet of scented ergo murmuring into your merriment; like the slidewords of hot gussy, tilled in the tempestuous petulance of lettered fêtes bound to my quickly.
Flux me through the furtive evers of threaded although; aslide the quiver of your bias. Flux me through the squirting furl of ruffled prowess; garlanded with fingered dawns undressing in the pillowy billow bonjour of heated hegemony. Flux me with buoyant writhing all raspy in the ripped shimmer of your upturned duress; with wild gushing drawn from the flesh of tangled err’s burst verse impervious fervor favors verves fleures furnished burgeon trembling with the wet cadenza of flailing folios fingers fondling your moistened ligatures’ cirqued mirth as i clutch the cushions of your purring aporia dialectically licking like a limning hymnal murmering in the saucy hysteria of fruity langues’ agon roused in your fancy.
And through truths, tempests, torments of honeysuckled aberrance, flux me with your erstwhile, like a flexical lexical of fiery fervor foments, whispering in the scissored mystery of etched flesh, scars, sanctions, screaming in the candied vamp all hauntingly hegemonic, lapping the lull of my titillate. Flux me in the schism of creamy compliance, perfumed like a jazzy magnet with campy amped plumpy impeti in the probing of my purview.
And enwrapt in your petalled revel, lick my vicissitude as i suck your furry curtail of polyontologic calculates – all up in your axiom – inhaling the grip of your surplus. Flux me in the fullness of your morphology as you taciturn me over slapping the cipher of glossy forbidding pulsing in my paradox / my ideological arena. Ah oui! Just flux me and ram your racy ennui in my weltanschauung as i feast on your fluvial vu-lu vervy curved gooey jubilee like an abecedary eatery in the frisky risk trysty trick-tucked turbulence.
And permute me, if you will, billowing all rhapsodically episodic and brimming with imminence -- rim my melliflua in the figgy-jigged giggle while i finger your figurae with amorous moreover, maneuvers, ouverts exploding with tickled particulars porticos peaking like a candied dalliance. Flux me as i sink my truth into your hard asphyxia kissing heuristics with twisted hunger’s slippery-sucked sprung pungence. And as i rip into your heterogenous aegis bound and gagged in the indiscriminate perimeters of your dizzy syzygy laboring in the liberality of gifted rifts drifts stiff lifts in the grafted signatum of fruity contiguity, flux me grinding all sticky n suffocating in the contretempestuous estuaries of your perky picnic [si]c licked arced crevices of bouch-ey ruched ravage.
And in the chordal accordance of culls cœurs coursed scoring in the hollers of withholding, flux me as you sit on my thrownness in the irreducible dance of gravitas; all lubriciously delicious and sizzling in the slick sickle gag-swagger swishy soused suckling in the lilty lambent reduxed luxe, flux me sideways through all that is graspable ungraspable luminous and indeterminable, in the fragrant apparâitre of saucy ensouciance’s milky-silk slapped assonance. And like how the future punctures the present, flux me grinding in the grandiosity of languorous clamor all heretically exegetical screaming in the secrecy of your ipseity.
Succumbing so hard in steamy telos’ toll titillates of effracted rapture, flux me constellated with all that’s incalculably radical, slung through singed swings scalds scrims, crème stinging in indexical excess’ axial stacked wracked exstasis. And thirsting through our lattice lunge clutched lush tufts, flux me through the bold and ungarmented night, naked as truth’s silences embellished in the synonymy of your yaysay burning in my bracketed maximus’ forbidden flung flourish a-flutter in the furtive flirty frissé of frilly plumerai. Flux me all over my façade – with robust obeisance bathed in the libidinal ibid addled odyssey between the not there yet and always already.
And rest your carnival upon me, vibrating with perfumed gasps grasps glyphs lifts, rock my misting manifest as you suck my secrecy swelling with gushing gratuit’s uppity impeti appetites ambits gambits grinding in the blustery lust latitudes of thirsty mirth unfurling like a fat stanza thrashing inside my haunting. Flux my lithe rhizome whispering in the whipped spurs spars oral spored orifice of pulsing puissance pressing into your sap-puckered piquant palpitant peek-a-boo pikachu while s’peaking the uns’peakable fused like truth and untruth in the undisclosed clearing.

Adeena Karasick is a New York based Canadian poet, performer, filmmaker, cultural theorist and media artist and the author of 18 books of poetry and poetics. Most recent books include, Ouvert: Oeuvre: Openings, visualized by Warren Lehrer, Ærotomania: The Book of Lumenations (both published Lavender Ink Press, 2023); Eicha: The Book of Lumenations film (NuJu Films, NY, 2023); and Salomé: Woman of Valor (University of Padova Press, Italy, 2017), and the libretto for her Spoken Word opera; Salomé: Woman of Valor CD, (NuJu Records, 2020). Karasick teaches Literature and Critical Theory for the Humanities and Media Studies Dept. at Pratt Institute and is Poet Laureate of the Institute of General Semantics.