from "Priest/ess 20"
The reason I ever worked in image (as primary) and not in Earth, was because Earth is an over-taxed lifeform. I did not want to be yet another being who was living unconsciously off of Gaia. Due to refusal to abuse a planet—I had created a frequency-alchemy (The Ulterior) in which works and trainings could take place. The Ulterior is not in Non-Ordinary Reality (the Unseen side of the physical world). In fact, it is not on planet at all.
My relation of light to Gaia while identifying as Gaia, came much later in process—during which time I had been prepared for light-based partnership with Gaia—by light.
“For a long time in your training you were walking and living in a projection of Lower World over everything in Middle World Ordinary Reality. Now—by light’s transmissions you embody Gaia because you have come to understand light’s grace as a somatic reality.”
It took time for me to feel aligned enough to Gaia’s great cycles that I was alleviated of dysphorias in relation to my queerness and outskirts orientation. Wanted and welcome the kind of living love this planet circuits.
Gaia has now demanded I tell her what she needs to hear—and that do so—from being with her—right here on planet. Being here with a planet is what ever made it a “her.” HER.
All of the Bearded Grands—terra angels—have no faces when in The Cave. Calling to Earth Mother in effort at fulfilling her. Through burbling cauldron—speaking to Earth what is most needed. Getting in tune with Earth Mother literally changing my frequency to meet HER’S. Experience of her amazing intelligence and bounty—her own Christ.
The Grands are much more helpful with and oriented to light transmission when I refer to them as angels.

j/j hastain is a collaborator, writer and maker of things. j/j performs ceremonial gore. Chasing and courting the animate and potentially enlivening decay that exists between seer and singer, j/j hopes to make the god/dess of stone moan and nod deeply through the waxing and waning seasons of the moon.